What's Changed Add zenodo badge by @PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/275 change dvc.params to work with files by @PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/276 add template option for plots modify by @PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/280 Create dependabot.yml by @PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/281 Update README.md by @PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/286 add mean/std to timeit decorator by @PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/284 add filename kwargs by @PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/288 add zntrack.collect as Node attribute by @PythonFZ in https://github.com/zincware/ZnTrack/pull/287 add __hash__() based on t...