Security Encrypt Earthdata username and password using AWS Secrets Manager. ### Added Documentation about deploying to a JPL-managed commercial AWS account has been added to docs/deployments
Added <ul> <li>Added a new <code>hyp3-pdc</code> deployment.</li> <...
Changed Updated INSAR_ISCE job specification for DockerizedTopsApp v0.2.4 Added larger c6id instanc...
Fixed Display the improved error messages regardless of whether the Earthdata credentials were prov...
Security Encrypt Earthdata username and password using AWS Secrets Manager. ### Added Documentation...
Added HyP3 can now be deployed into a JPL managed commercial AWS account Selectable security enviro...
Changed The hyp3-edc-uat and hyp3-edc-prod deployments now uses the latest Earthdata Cloud AMI with...
Added A JPL-public security environment when rendering CloudFormation templates which will deploy a...
Added Enabled default encryption for the monitoring SNS topic Changed Block Public Access setting...
Added Expose CloudFront product download URLs for Earthdata Cloud environments via the HyP3 API. Or...
Added job_specs can now specify a required set of secrets and an AWS Secrets Manage Secret ARN to p...
Added It is now possible to inject Earthdata username and password using environment variables: EAR...
Removed <ul> <li><code>PermissionsBoundaryPolicyArn</code> stack parameter; ...
Changed Use Managed Policies for IAM permissions in support of future deployments using custom Clou...
Added <ul> <li>Added a new <code>hyp3-pdc</code> deployment.</li> <...
Changed Updated INSAR_ISCE job specification for DockerizedTopsApp v0.2.4 Added larger c6id instanc...
Fixed Display the improved error messages regardless of whether the Earthdata credentials were prov...
Security Encrypt Earthdata username and password using AWS Secrets Manager. ### Added Documentation...
Added HyP3 can now be deployed into a JPL managed commercial AWS account Selectable security enviro...
Changed The hyp3-edc-uat and hyp3-edc-prod deployments now uses the latest Earthdata Cloud AMI with...
Added A JPL-public security environment when rendering CloudFormation templates which will deploy a...
Added Enabled default encryption for the monitoring SNS topic Changed Block Public Access setting...
Added Expose CloudFront product download URLs for Earthdata Cloud environments via the HyP3 API. Or...
Added job_specs can now specify a required set of secrets and an AWS Secrets Manage Secret ARN to p...
Added It is now possible to inject Earthdata username and password using environment variables: EAR...
Removed <ul> <li><code>PermissionsBoundaryPolicyArn</code> stack parameter; ...
Changed Use Managed Policies for IAM permissions in support of future deployments using custom Clou...
Added <ul> <li>Added a new <code>hyp3-pdc</code> deployment.</li> <...
Changed Updated INSAR_ISCE job specification for DockerizedTopsApp v0.2.4 Added larger c6id instanc...
Fixed Display the improved error messages regardless of whether the Earthdata credentials were prov...