What's Changed ci: flake8 -> ruff by @Borda in https://github.com/krasserm/perceiver-io/pull/48 (includes #46 and #47) Refactor redundancies in causal sequence modeling code by @krasserm in https://github.com/krasserm/perceiver-io/pull/49 Key value cache and support for contrastive search by @krasserm in https://github.com/krasserm/perceiver-io/pull/51 Full Changelog: https://github.com/krasserm/perceiver-io/compare/0.10.0...0.11.0If you use this software, please cite it as below
Complete refactor of kfac-pytorch See Pull Requests #38, #40, #41, and #42. DevOps changes kfac req...
Added a new task - Self Supervised Learning (SSL) and a separate training API for it. Added new SOTA...
Visualization toolkit for learned features of neural networks in PyTorch. Feature Visualizer, Salien...
What's Changed Perceiver AR enhancements by @krasserm in https://github.com/krasserm/perceiver-io/p...
What's Changed The main one is the change of training scheme for deep models which has moved to the...
Perceiver The Perceiver model was released in the previous version: Perceiver Eight new models are r...
Overview This is the first joined release with pytorch-bearer, here we come... This release extends ...
[0.7.2] - 2022-03-30 Fixed Fixed examples (question answering), where NLTK's punkt module needs to ...
[0.7.2] - 2020-04-07 Added Added same step loggers' metrics aggregation (#1278) Added parity test b...
Trainer & TFTrainer Version 2.9 introduces a new Trainer class for PyTorch, and its equivalent TFTra...
This is a small maintenance release that unpins PyTorch (#488). Now all PyTorch versions that satisf...
What's Changed [DOC] Mention MNE installers by @mscheltienne in https://github.com/vferat/pycrost...
Name change: welcome Transformers Following the extension to TensorFlow 2.0, pytorch-transformers =...
What's Changed Recommend user install with --enable-shared by @MilesCranmer in https://github.com/M...
[0.7.0] - 2022-15-02 Added Added support for multi-label, space delimited, targets (#1076) Added su...
Complete refactor of kfac-pytorch See Pull Requests #38, #40, #41, and #42. DevOps changes kfac req...
Added a new task - Self Supervised Learning (SSL) and a separate training API for it. Added new SOTA...
Visualization toolkit for learned features of neural networks in PyTorch. Feature Visualizer, Salien...
What's Changed Perceiver AR enhancements by @krasserm in https://github.com/krasserm/perceiver-io/p...
What's Changed The main one is the change of training scheme for deep models which has moved to the...
Perceiver The Perceiver model was released in the previous version: Perceiver Eight new models are r...
Overview This is the first joined release with pytorch-bearer, here we come... This release extends ...
[0.7.2] - 2022-03-30 Fixed Fixed examples (question answering), where NLTK's punkt module needs to ...
[0.7.2] - 2020-04-07 Added Added same step loggers' metrics aggregation (#1278) Added parity test b...
Trainer & TFTrainer Version 2.9 introduces a new Trainer class for PyTorch, and its equivalent TFTra...
This is a small maintenance release that unpins PyTorch (#488). Now all PyTorch versions that satisf...
What's Changed [DOC] Mention MNE installers by @mscheltienne in https://github.com/vferat/pycrost...
Name change: welcome Transformers Following the extension to TensorFlow 2.0, pytorch-transformers =...
What's Changed Recommend user install with --enable-shared by @MilesCranmer in https://github.com/M...
[0.7.0] - 2022-15-02 Added Added support for multi-label, space delimited, targets (#1076) Added su...
Complete refactor of kfac-pytorch See Pull Requests #38, #40, #41, and #42. DevOps changes kfac req...
Added a new task - Self Supervised Learning (SSL) and a separate training API for it. Added new SOTA...
Visualization toolkit for learned features of neural networks in PyTorch. Feature Visualizer, Salien...