Figure 2. Percentage of Jaguar (Panthera onca) diet composed by peccaries or armadillos compared with cougars (Puma concolor). Jaguar prey more extensively over armoured and dangerous prey. Data were pooled from reviewed literature where faeces of cougars and jaguars were collected at the same site. Bars represents means while whiskers represent standard errors for each prey group.Published as part of Miranda, Everton B.P., de Menezes, Jorge F.S. & Rheingantz, Marcelo L., 2016, Reptiles as principal prey? Adaptations for durophagy and prey selection by jaguar (Panthera onca), pp. 2021-2035 in Journal of Natural History 50 on page 2028, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2016.1180717,
An ambush predator (Uranoscodon superciliosa, Iguanidae) eats more hidden and slow moving prey than ...
Figure 1. Sampling localities along the margin of the rivers Tapajós and Teles Pires. See Table 2 fo...
Figure 3. The carapace of an individual of Brazilian three-banded armadillo (Tolypeutes tricinctus) ...
Figure 1. Jaguar (Panthera onca) preference for different prey species. Preference was measured with...
Miranda, Everton B.P., de Menezes, Jorge F.S., Rheingantz, Marcelo L. (2016): Reptiles as principal ...
The jaguar (Panthera onca) is the largest Neotropical felid and in many parts of its range reptiles ...
The Neotropics support more species of terrestrial vertebrate than any of the other seven biogeograp...
Jaguars Panthera onca coexist with pumas Puma concolor across their entire range. In areas where the...
Jaguars and pumas are top-predator species in the Neotropics that are threatened by habitat destruct...
Figure 4. Phylogenetic mapping of skull morphology, biting performance, and foraging mode in four la...
Figure 2. Proportion of cheetah primary prey species in its diet and in the study area. Number of pr...
The family Felidae (i.e., cats) is composed entirely of hypercarnivores—animals who are solely adapt...
The chemical senses are crucial for squamates (lizards and snakes). The extent to which squamates ut...
Documenting the impacts of the Pleistocene megafaunal extinctions on predator-prey interactions is a...
Large cats feeding habits have been studied through two main methods: scat analysis and the carcasse...
An ambush predator (Uranoscodon superciliosa, Iguanidae) eats more hidden and slow moving prey than ...
Figure 1. Sampling localities along the margin of the rivers Tapajós and Teles Pires. See Table 2 fo...
Figure 3. The carapace of an individual of Brazilian three-banded armadillo (Tolypeutes tricinctus) ...
Figure 1. Jaguar (Panthera onca) preference for different prey species. Preference was measured with...
Miranda, Everton B.P., de Menezes, Jorge F.S., Rheingantz, Marcelo L. (2016): Reptiles as principal ...
The jaguar (Panthera onca) is the largest Neotropical felid and in many parts of its range reptiles ...
The Neotropics support more species of terrestrial vertebrate than any of the other seven biogeograp...
Jaguars Panthera onca coexist with pumas Puma concolor across their entire range. In areas where the...
Jaguars and pumas are top-predator species in the Neotropics that are threatened by habitat destruct...
Figure 4. Phylogenetic mapping of skull morphology, biting performance, and foraging mode in four la...
Figure 2. Proportion of cheetah primary prey species in its diet and in the study area. Number of pr...
The family Felidae (i.e., cats) is composed entirely of hypercarnivores—animals who are solely adapt...
The chemical senses are crucial for squamates (lizards and snakes). The extent to which squamates ut...
Documenting the impacts of the Pleistocene megafaunal extinctions on predator-prey interactions is a...
Large cats feeding habits have been studied through two main methods: scat analysis and the carcasse...
An ambush predator (Uranoscodon superciliosa, Iguanidae) eats more hidden and slow moving prey than ...
Figure 1. Sampling localities along the margin of the rivers Tapajós and Teles Pires. See Table 2 fo...
Figure 3. The carapace of an individual of Brazilian three-banded armadillo (Tolypeutes tricinctus) ...