GR v0.71.8 Diff since v0.71.7 Closed issues: Segmentation fault (or at best, no plot) when $HOME is undefined (#430) polymarker3d fails flip (#467) Using GR (directly or via Plots) fails in Julia 1.8.1 M1: incompatible architecture. (#468) Plots cannot precompile because of GR (#485) another contour bug (#501) surface issue since latest GR (#507) Merged pull requests: Use GR_jll.artifact_dir instead of find_artifact_dir() (#513) (@staticfloat
Plots v1.14.0 Diff since v1.13.2 Closed issues: [BUG] zlabel not showing with 3D plots and LaTeXStr...
GR v0.71.2 Diff since v0.71.1 Closed issues: GKS: svgplugin.dll: can't load library, error 126 (0x7...
AbstractPlotting v0.12.3 Diff since v0.12.2 Merged pull requests: add pie chart (#465) (@jkrumbiege...
GR v0.71.8 Diff since v0.71.7 Closed issues: Segmentation fault (or at best, no plot) when $HOME is...
Plots v1.35.0 Diff since v1.34.4 Closed issues: Plots v1.34.1 - Cannot Precompile in new project en...
GR v0.65.1 Diff since v0.64.4 Closed issues: GR segfaults for Plots.jl contour plots (#457) Contour...
GR v0.62.1 Diff since v0.62.0 Closed issues: Error rendering latex (#365) GR for FreeBSD (#409) Sc...
AbstractPlotting v0.17.4 Diff since v0.17.3 Merged pull requests: Add stacking and dodging to bar p...
GR v0.57.5 Diff since v0.57.4 Closed issues: Feature request: Ignore NaN when plotting heatmaps (#7...
GR v0.71.0 Diff since v0.70.1 Merged pull requests: add downstream Plots tests (#498) (@t-bltg) Do ...
GR v0.57.0 Diff since v0.55.0 Closed issues: Move to providing GR via BinaryBuilder (#314) Use VS C...
AbstractPlotting v0.15.25 Diff since v0.15.24 Merged pull requests: rebase #576 (#654) (@SimonDanis...
Plots v1.14.0 Diff since v1.13.2 Closed issues: [BUG] zlabel not showing with 3D plots and LaTeXStr...
GR v0.71.2 Diff since v0.71.1 Closed issues: GKS: svgplugin.dll: can't load library, error 126 (0x7...
AbstractPlotting v0.12.3 Diff since v0.12.2 Merged pull requests: add pie chart (#465) (@jkrumbiege...
GR v0.71.8 Diff since v0.71.7 Closed issues: Segmentation fault (or at best, no plot) when $HOME is...
Plots v1.35.0 Diff since v1.34.4 Closed issues: Plots v1.34.1 - Cannot Precompile in new project en...
GR v0.65.1 Diff since v0.64.4 Closed issues: GR segfaults for Plots.jl contour plots (#457) Contour...
GR v0.62.1 Diff since v0.62.0 Closed issues: Error rendering latex (#365) GR for FreeBSD (#409) Sc...
AbstractPlotting v0.17.4 Diff since v0.17.3 Merged pull requests: Add stacking and dodging to bar p...
GR v0.57.5 Diff since v0.57.4 Closed issues: Feature request: Ignore NaN when plotting heatmaps (#7...
GR v0.71.0 Diff since v0.70.1 Merged pull requests: add downstream Plots tests (#498) (@t-bltg) Do ...
GR v0.57.0 Diff since v0.55.0 Closed issues: Move to providing GR via BinaryBuilder (#314) Use VS C...
AbstractPlotting v0.15.25 Diff since v0.15.24 Merged pull requests: rebase #576 (#654) (@SimonDanis...
Plots v1.14.0 Diff since v1.13.2 Closed issues: [BUG] zlabel not showing with 3D plots and LaTeXStr...
GR v0.71.2 Diff since v0.71.1 Closed issues: GKS: svgplugin.dll: can't load library, error 126 (0x7...
AbstractPlotting v0.12.3 Diff since v0.12.2 Merged pull requests: add pie chart (#465) (@jkrumbiege...