Bug fixes and minor feature additions. Changes since v0.9.9-3 Bug fixes Fixed a bug causing dfm and tokens to break on > 10,000 documents. (#438) Fixed a bug in tokens(x, what = "character", removeSeparators = TRUE) that returned an empty string. Fixed a bug in corpus.VCorpus if the VCorpus contains a single document. (#445) Fixed a bug in dfm_compress in which the function failed on documents that contained zero feature counts. (#467) Fixed a bug in textmodel_NB that caused the class priors Pc to be refactored alphabetically instead of in the order of assignment (#471), also affecting predicted classes (#476). New features New textstat function textstat_keyness() discovers words that occur at differential rates between partitions of a...
New Features Added as.dfm() methods for tm DocumentTermMatrix and TermDocumentMatrix objects. (#122...
Bug fixes and stability enhancements fcm() computes the marginal frequency of upper-case tokens cor...
quanteda 2.0 introduces some major changes, detailed here. What's new in v2.0 New corpus object str...
Changes since v0.9.9-50 New features Corpus construction using corpus() now works for a tm::SimpleC...
Bug fixes and stability enhancements Fixed bug in dfm_compress() and dfm_group() that changed or de...
New features Improvements and consoldiation of methods for detecting multi-word expressions, now ac...
Bug fixes and stability enhancements Fixed a bug causing incorrect counting in fcm(x, ordered = TRU...
Last 1.x.x release before major changes in v2. New features Added Yule's I to textstat_lexdiv(). Ad...
Bug fixes and stability enhancements Changed the default value of the size argument in dfm_sample()...
Bug fixes and stability enhancements Improved and more consistent handling of empty corpus, tokens ...
Bug fixes and stability enhancements dfm() returns a dfm with the identical column order even if to...
Changes Added block_size to quanteda_options() to control the number of documents in blocked tokeni...
Changes Moved data_corpus_irishbudget2010 and data_corpus_dailnoconf1991 to the quanteda.textmodels...
New Features Added to = "tripletlist" output type for convert(), to convert a dfm into a simple tri...
New Features Added vertex_labelfont to textplot_network(). Added textmodel_lsa() for Latent Semanti...
New Features Added as.dfm() methods for tm DocumentTermMatrix and TermDocumentMatrix objects. (#122...
Bug fixes and stability enhancements fcm() computes the marginal frequency of upper-case tokens cor...
quanteda 2.0 introduces some major changes, detailed here. What's new in v2.0 New corpus object str...
Changes since v0.9.9-50 New features Corpus construction using corpus() now works for a tm::SimpleC...
Bug fixes and stability enhancements Fixed bug in dfm_compress() and dfm_group() that changed or de...
New features Improvements and consoldiation of methods for detecting multi-word expressions, now ac...
Bug fixes and stability enhancements Fixed a bug causing incorrect counting in fcm(x, ordered = TRU...
Last 1.x.x release before major changes in v2. New features Added Yule's I to textstat_lexdiv(). Ad...
Bug fixes and stability enhancements Changed the default value of the size argument in dfm_sample()...
Bug fixes and stability enhancements Improved and more consistent handling of empty corpus, tokens ...
Bug fixes and stability enhancements dfm() returns a dfm with the identical column order even if to...
Changes Added block_size to quanteda_options() to control the number of documents in blocked tokeni...
Changes Moved data_corpus_irishbudget2010 and data_corpus_dailnoconf1991 to the quanteda.textmodels...
New Features Added to = "tripletlist" output type for convert(), to convert a dfm into a simple tri...
New Features Added vertex_labelfont to textplot_network(). Added textmodel_lsa() for Latent Semanti...
New Features Added as.dfm() methods for tm DocumentTermMatrix and TermDocumentMatrix objects. (#122...
Bug fixes and stability enhancements fcm() computes the marginal frequency of upper-case tokens cor...
quanteda 2.0 introduces some major changes, detailed here. What's new in v2.0 New corpus object str...