This releases integrated Pyleoclim with Pandasv2.0 which extends datetime indices to the geologic timescale.If you use this software, please cite it as below
Pysoplot is a Python library that provides basic functions and routines for geochronology. It implem...
PyGMT is a library for processing geospatial and geophysical data and making publication quality map...
pyPheonology is a software package for building plant phenology models. It has numpy at it’s core, m...
Minor fixes for paper publication and fixes to updated version of Matplotlib and CartopyIf you use t...
Pyleoclim is a Python package primarily geared towards the analysis and visualization of paleoclimat...
This release includes: New functionalities: Continuous wavelet transform from Torrence and Co...
pyClimateSciTool is a python package including several useful functions for climate science and clim...
PyClimat is a functional-based python module that can be used to post-process climate simulation out...
Pysoplot is a Python library that provides basic functions and routines for geochronology. It implem...
PyGMT is a library for processing geospatial and geophysical data and making publication quality map...
pyPheonology is a software package for building plant phenology models. It has numpy at it’s core, m...
Minor fixes for paper publication and fixes to updated version of Matplotlib and CartopyIf you use t...
Pyleoclim is a Python package primarily geared towards the analysis and visualization of paleoclimat...
This release includes: New functionalities: Continuous wavelet transform from Torrence and Co...
pyClimateSciTool is a python package including several useful functions for climate science and clim...
PyClimat is a functional-based python module that can be used to post-process climate simulation out...
Pysoplot is a Python library that provides basic functions and routines for geochronology. It implem...
PyGMT is a library for processing geospatial and geophysical data and making publication quality map...
pyPheonology is a software package for building plant phenology models. It has numpy at it’s core, m...