FIGURE 4. Euphorbia milii. A, B. details of flowering branches, near Taolagnaro (Lake Lanirano); C. epitype of the species, specimen by Des Moulins from plants brought back by the Baron Milius, Des Moulins s.n. (BORD_DESM_081_Euphorbe exotique), with the writing "Euphorbia milii nobis. nov. spec. à Madagascar". Credits: P. Pavelka (A and B) and Jardin Botanique de la Ville de Bordeaux (C).Published as part of Haevermans, Thomas & Hetterscheid, Wilbert L. A., 2021, Novelties in Malagasy Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae), pp. 1-63 in Phytotaxa 488 (1) on page 9, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.488.1.1,
Fig. 4. – Euphorbia alcicornis Baker. A. Plant mâle adulte photographié à Manerinerina; B. Détail de...
Fig. 2. – Euphorbes épineuses du sud-ouest malgache. A–D. Euphorbia rubrostriata Drake d'Ambohimahav...
FIGURE 44. Euphorbia hardyi in cultivation in the National Tree Museum Gimborn, The Netherlands. A. ...
FIGURE. A. distribution map of Euphorbia betrokana (red), E. neobosseri (yellow), E. pachyspina (gre...
FIGURE 4. Euphorbia delphinensis in cultivation in the National Tree Museum Gimborn, The Netherlands...
FIGURE. Euphorbia xanthadenia, in situ. A & B. flowering branches near Tsimalahai and Tranomaro; C. ...
FIGURE 40. A. Distribution map of Euphorbia psammiticola (red), E. werneri (blue), E. bosseri (yello...
FIGURE 8. Euphorbia leandriana. A. photograph E. leandriana taken in the Parc Botanique et Zoologiqu...
FIGURE. Euphorbia parvimedusae in cultivation by P.Pavelka (Czech Republic). A. detail of the subter...
FIGURE. Euphorbia spannringii Haev. & Hett. A. inflorescences, male stage; B. young fruits; C. habit...
FIGURE 2. Euphorbia makayensis in habitat. A. inflorescence, young fruit stage with remaining stamin...
FIGURE. Euphorbia multibrachiata in cultivation. A. detail of the spination; B. detail of the leaf v...
FIGURE. Lectotypes of Euphorbia bojeri and E. splendens from the Curtis's botanical magazine. A. Eup...
FIGURE 0. Euphorbia betrokana, plant from a cutting of the HEID original plant used for preparing th...
FIGURE. Euphorbia tsihombensis, plants in cultivation at the National Tree Museum Gimborn, The Nethe...
Fig. 4. – Euphorbia alcicornis Baker. A. Plant mâle adulte photographié à Manerinerina; B. Détail de...
Fig. 2. – Euphorbes épineuses du sud-ouest malgache. A–D. Euphorbia rubrostriata Drake d'Ambohimahav...
FIGURE 44. Euphorbia hardyi in cultivation in the National Tree Museum Gimborn, The Netherlands. A. ...
FIGURE. A. distribution map of Euphorbia betrokana (red), E. neobosseri (yellow), E. pachyspina (gre...
FIGURE 4. Euphorbia delphinensis in cultivation in the National Tree Museum Gimborn, The Netherlands...
FIGURE. Euphorbia xanthadenia, in situ. A & B. flowering branches near Tsimalahai and Tranomaro; C. ...
FIGURE 40. A. Distribution map of Euphorbia psammiticola (red), E. werneri (blue), E. bosseri (yello...
FIGURE 8. Euphorbia leandriana. A. photograph E. leandriana taken in the Parc Botanique et Zoologiqu...
FIGURE. Euphorbia parvimedusae in cultivation by P.Pavelka (Czech Republic). A. detail of the subter...
FIGURE. Euphorbia spannringii Haev. & Hett. A. inflorescences, male stage; B. young fruits; C. habit...
FIGURE 2. Euphorbia makayensis in habitat. A. inflorescence, young fruit stage with remaining stamin...
FIGURE. Euphorbia multibrachiata in cultivation. A. detail of the spination; B. detail of the leaf v...
FIGURE. Lectotypes of Euphorbia bojeri and E. splendens from the Curtis's botanical magazine. A. Eup...
FIGURE 0. Euphorbia betrokana, plant from a cutting of the HEID original plant used for preparing th...
FIGURE. Euphorbia tsihombensis, plants in cultivation at the National Tree Museum Gimborn, The Nethe...
Fig. 4. – Euphorbia alcicornis Baker. A. Plant mâle adulte photographié à Manerinerina; B. Détail de...
Fig. 2. – Euphorbes épineuses du sud-ouest malgache. A–D. Euphorbia rubrostriata Drake d'Ambohimahav...
FIGURE 44. Euphorbia hardyi in cultivation in the National Tree Museum Gimborn, The Netherlands. A. ...