Protocol for ultra performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry N-glycan analysis of the native and desialylated human apo-transferrin

  • Štambuk, Tamara
  • Cvetko, Ana
  • Weitner, Tin
Publication date
August 2020


Experimental protocol for for ultra performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry N-glycan analysis of the native and desialylated human apo-transferrin. Supplemental information for the published paper: Friganović, Tomislav; Tomašić, Antonela; Šeba, Tino; Biruš, Ivan; Kerep, Robert; Borko, Valentina; Šakić, Davor; Gabričević, Mario; Weitner, Tin: Low-pressure chromatographic separation and UV/Vis spectrophotometric characterization of the native and desialylated human apo-transferrin // Heliyon, 7 (2021), 9; e08030, 8 doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e08030This work was supported by funding from the Croatian Science Foundation grant UIP-2017- 05-9537 - Glycosylation as a factor in the iron transport mechanism of human serum transferrin ...

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