including the coordinates of all optimized proteinligand complex structure obtained by DOX_BDW calculation. (compressed PDB file). These pdb files could also be used as input for the binding energy calculation,as illustrated in SI section 8. Including the input files,parameter files, topology files needed to run MD simulation for water mapping, as illustrated in SI section 8. Note that all of the parameter files and topology files would be automatically generated using the RUNMD program we uploaded with the example file. The programs and input files needed to run an example, as illustrated in SI section 9. And all the output files except MD trajectories are in there,too
Protein Data Bank (PDB) file contains atomic data for protein and ligand in protein-ligand complexes...
Quantifying protein–ligand binding has attracted the attention of both theorists and experimentalist...
Experimental cryo-EM density maps and molecular dynamics simulation data related to manuscript title... including the coordinates of all optimized proteinligand complex structure obtained...
Our goal is methods for predicting binding strengths, or binding free energies, between biomolecules...
Starting structures, input files and some analysis scripts for the MD simulations and subsequent MMP...
Data set for for validation of the Protein-Ligand Interaction Fingerprints, which includes examples...
This molecular dynamics simulation data is provided as part of the manuscript "LAWS: Local Alignmen...
1. Data set for for validation of the Protein-Ligand Interaction Fingerprints, which includes examp...
<p>(<b>1</b>) Interface profile scores and Interface profile scores features are derived by profile ...
Predicting the effect of mutations on protein-protein interactions is important for relating structu...
The main objective of this work is to build a simple but robust predictor of binding energy changes ...
Proteins carry out a staggering number of functions within the human body and the biological world a...
Binding affinity prediction is frequently addressed using computational models constructed solely wi...
With the advent of Internet computing and World Wide Web technology, Web browsers have provided powe...
Protein Data Bank (PDB) file contains atomic data for protein and ligand in protein-ligand complexes...
Quantifying protein–ligand binding has attracted the attention of both theorists and experimentalist...
Experimental cryo-EM density maps and molecular dynamics simulation data related to manuscript title... including the coordinates of all optimized proteinligand complex structure obtained...
Our goal is methods for predicting binding strengths, or binding free energies, between biomolecules...
Starting structures, input files and some analysis scripts for the MD simulations and subsequent MMP...
Data set for for validation of the Protein-Ligand Interaction Fingerprints, which includes examples...
This molecular dynamics simulation data is provided as part of the manuscript "LAWS: Local Alignmen...
1. Data set for for validation of the Protein-Ligand Interaction Fingerprints, which includes examp...
<p>(<b>1</b>) Interface profile scores and Interface profile scores features are derived by profile ...
Predicting the effect of mutations on protein-protein interactions is important for relating structu...
The main objective of this work is to build a simple but robust predictor of binding energy changes ...
Proteins carry out a staggering number of functions within the human body and the biological world a...
Binding affinity prediction is frequently addressed using computational models constructed solely wi...
With the advent of Internet computing and World Wide Web technology, Web browsers have provided powe...
Protein Data Bank (PDB) file contains atomic data for protein and ligand in protein-ligand complexes...
Quantifying protein–ligand binding has attracted the attention of both theorists and experimentalist...
Experimental cryo-EM density maps and molecular dynamics simulation data related to manuscript title...