This is the first release of r-GAN demo pytorch. This is used to create a DOI for the repository code through Zenodo
Creating a release to receive a DOI for the SHUTi for Researchers GitHub page via Zenod
No changes to code - new release made to acquire DOI from Zenodo (
This release will receive it's first DOI so that the software can be cited! Check out https://zenodo...
This is the first release of the PyCatKin tool. It is created now to enable minting a doi for the re...
I am releasing this code to test Zendo and to create a DOI. This is a pre-release
This release is meant to generate a DOI from Zenodo that can be included in the first draft releas
First formal release to create a doi with Zenodo Full Changelog:
A pre pre-release to obtain a valid DOI from Zenodo to be used in the pyglotaran release paper
Initialize the Zenodo repository by releasing the first experimental stage of the package and reserv...
This is the first version of this software with a Zenodo doi, to allow referencing
This is an initial release in order to get a DOI so that people can cite the data
This is a pre-release prior to the publication of the paper to activate the DOI from Zenodo
This release is the 1st, to test and to learn if a parent repo can generate a Zenodo DOI that applie...
This release marks the first archiving for the empir19nrm02 on for permanent storage, DOI...
Initial release to get a Zenodo DOI before submitting VIDIMU-TOOLS repository for peer-review
Creating a release to receive a DOI for the SHUTi for Researchers GitHub page via Zenod
No changes to code - new release made to acquire DOI from Zenodo (
This release will receive it's first DOI so that the software can be cited! Check out https://zenodo...
This is the first release of the PyCatKin tool. It is created now to enable minting a doi for the re...
I am releasing this code to test Zendo and to create a DOI. This is a pre-release
This release is meant to generate a DOI from Zenodo that can be included in the first draft releas
First formal release to create a doi with Zenodo Full Changelog:
A pre pre-release to obtain a valid DOI from Zenodo to be used in the pyglotaran release paper
Initialize the Zenodo repository by releasing the first experimental stage of the package and reserv...
This is the first version of this software with a Zenodo doi, to allow referencing
This is an initial release in order to get a DOI so that people can cite the data
This is a pre-release prior to the publication of the paper to activate the DOI from Zenodo
This release is the 1st, to test and to learn if a parent repo can generate a Zenodo DOI that applie...
This release marks the first archiving for the empir19nrm02 on for permanent storage, DOI...
Initial release to get a Zenodo DOI before submitting VIDIMU-TOOLS repository for peer-review
Creating a release to receive a DOI for the SHUTi for Researchers GitHub page via Zenod
No changes to code - new release made to acquire DOI from Zenodo (
This release will receive it's first DOI so that the software can be cited! Check out https://zenodo...