Dicymbium pingqianense sp. nov. (前双舟蛛) urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: D0705FE9-9526-49A9-ABE1-8F74EEEAE35F Figs 7–9 Differential diagnosis The new species resembles Dicymbium sinofacetum Tanasevitch, 2006 in having the tibia with similar retrolateral tibial apophysis, anterior redical process and epigyne with similar ventral and dorsal plates (Figs 7–8; Song & Li 2008: figs 1–3, 12), but can be distinguished by the embolus with two loops in new species (Fig. 7B), whereas with one loop in D. sinofacetum (Song & Li 2008: fig. 2); tailpiece oval in new species (Fig. 7A), whereas with foot-shaped in D. sinofacetum (Song & Li 2008: fig. 3); spermathecae head separated by a minimal distance in new species (Fig. 8D), whereas the gap between sperm...