49. Long-haired Fruit Bat Stenonycteris lanosus French: Roussette a poil long / German: Langhaariger Flughund / Spanish: Stenonicterio piloso Other common names: Long-haired Rousette Taxonomy. Rousettus lanosus Thomas, 1906, “Ruwezori East, at 13,000’ [= 3962 m].” Restricted by R. W. Hayman and colleagues in 1966 to “Mubuku valley,” Uganda. K. Andersen in 1912 described Stenonycteris as a new subgenus of Rousettus to accommodate R. lanosus. For most ofits history, Stenonycteris remained a subgenus of Rousettus, but recent molecular systematics recovered lanosus in a phylogenetic position independent of Rousettus; as a consequence, Stenonycteris has been recognized as a valid genus included in its own tribe Stenonycterini, wit...
42. Bare-backed Rousette Rousettus spinalatus French: Roussette a dos nu / German: Nacktrlicke...
56. Benito Leaf-nosed Bat Hipposideros beatus French: Phyllorhine du Benito / German: Benito-R...
7. Peters’s Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus lobatus French: Rhinolophe du Zambèze / German: Peters-H...
The concept of the genus Rousettus Gray, 1821 as established by Andersen (1912) is revised to accomm...
58. Hammer-headed Fruit Bat Hypsignathus monstrosus French: Hypsignathe monstrueux / German: H...
23. African Long-fingered Bat Miniopterus africanus French: Minioptére dAfrique / German: Osta...
230. Ethiopian Long-eared Bat Plecotus balensis French: Oreillard d'Ethiopie / German: Bale-La...
This is the last part in a series comprising all Megachiroptera known from mainland Africa and its i...
65. Lappet-eared Free-tailed Bat Chaerephon major French: Tadaride a oreillettes / German: Ohr...
5. Rufous Trident Bat Triaenops menamena French: Tnaen nsr German: Madagaskar-Dre ıahnba...
55. Sierra Leone Collared Fruit Bat Myonycteris leptodon French: Myonyctére ouest-africain / G...
44. Linduan Rousette Rousettus linduensis French: Roussette du Lindu / German: Lindu-Flughund ...
45. Sulawesi Rousette Rousettus celebensis French: Roussette de Sulawesi / German: Sulawesi-Fl...
71. Lesser Epauletted Fruit Bat Epomophorus pusillus French: Petit Epomophore / German: Zwerg-...
Rousettus lanosus Thomas, 1906. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, 18:137. TYPE LOCALITY: Uganda, Ruwen...
42. Bare-backed Rousette Rousettus spinalatus French: Roussette a dos nu / German: Nacktrlicke...
56. Benito Leaf-nosed Bat Hipposideros beatus French: Phyllorhine du Benito / German: Benito-R...
7. Peters’s Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus lobatus French: Rhinolophe du Zambèze / German: Peters-H...
The concept of the genus Rousettus Gray, 1821 as established by Andersen (1912) is revised to accomm...
58. Hammer-headed Fruit Bat Hypsignathus monstrosus French: Hypsignathe monstrueux / German: H...
23. African Long-fingered Bat Miniopterus africanus French: Minioptére dAfrique / German: Osta...
230. Ethiopian Long-eared Bat Plecotus balensis French: Oreillard d'Ethiopie / German: Bale-La...
This is the last part in a series comprising all Megachiroptera known from mainland Africa and its i...
65. Lappet-eared Free-tailed Bat Chaerephon major French: Tadaride a oreillettes / German: Ohr...
5. Rufous Trident Bat Triaenops menamena French: Tnaen nsr German: Madagaskar-Dre ıahnba...
55. Sierra Leone Collared Fruit Bat Myonycteris leptodon French: Myonyctére ouest-africain / G...
44. Linduan Rousette Rousettus linduensis French: Roussette du Lindu / German: Lindu-Flughund ...
45. Sulawesi Rousette Rousettus celebensis French: Roussette de Sulawesi / German: Sulawesi-Fl...
71. Lesser Epauletted Fruit Bat Epomophorus pusillus French: Petit Epomophore / German: Zwerg-...
Rousettus lanosus Thomas, 1906. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, 18:137. TYPE LOCALITY: Uganda, Ruwen...
42. Bare-backed Rousette Rousettus spinalatus French: Roussette a dos nu / German: Nacktrlicke...
56. Benito Leaf-nosed Bat Hipposideros beatus French: Phyllorhine du Benito / German: Benito-R...
7. Peters’s Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus lobatus French: Rhinolophe du Zambèze / German: Peters-H...