"SnowApp-ilmastopalvelu lumetuksen ennakoinnin tukena hiihtokeskuksille ja muille talvimatkailutoimijoille" webinar 2.10.2020 was organized by Blue-Action: Arctic Impact on Weather and Climate (EU Horizon2020) project's winter tourism case study (WP5 CS1). This file contains the program of the webinar and presentations by Ilona Mettiäinen and Martin Coath (AC UoL). The webinar was Blue-Action project's D5.6 Regional Dissemination Seminar. "SnowApp-ilmastopalvelu lumetuksen ennakoinnin tukena hiihtokeskuksille ja muille talvimatkailutoimijoille" -webinaarin (2.10.2020) järjesti Blue-Action: Arctic Impact on Weather and Climate (EU Horizon2020) -hankkeen talvimatkailuaiheinen tapaustutkimus (WP5 CS1). Tiedosto sisältää webinaarin ohjelman s...
Northern Finland is one of the fastest warming regions in Europe with the greatest increases in temp...
The end-product of this case study will be a climate service for a winter tourism centre Ruka in Nor...
About this document Deliverable: D5.3 Case Study Nr. 1 Assessment Methodology Report Work package...
"SnowApp-ilmastopalvelu lumetuksen ennakoinnin tukena hiihtokeskuksille ja muille talvimatkailutoimi...
Esite talvimatkailukeskuksille suunnitellusta ilmastopalvelusta, joka on kehitetty Blue-Action: Arct...
Presentation at the PROSNOW (H2020) "Climate services relevant to ski tourism" webinar on September ...
As a result of the research and work done during the project, the team involved in this case study h...
Presentation on the SnowApp climate service co-designed within the Blue-Action: Arctic Impact on Wea...
Presentation at the "Ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutuminen Arktisella alueella" workshop on 28.10.2020. Or...
Presentation given at the UArctic Congress in Oulu, Finland on 5 September 2018 in a session on Arct...
A presentation on the Blue-Action project, with a focus on the Case study 1 on co-designing a climat...
<p>Presentation at the Blue-Action project Kick-off meeting in Berlin (DE) 19 January 2017. Also ava...
<p>Presentation in the Blue-Action Annual Meeting in Bologna on 18-19 January 2018 on the progress o...
Leaflet on the climate service for winter tourism industry, co-designed by Blue-Action: Arctic Impac...
This presentation was given at the Colloquium of the The Finnish Society for Environmental Social Sc...
Northern Finland is one of the fastest warming regions in Europe with the greatest increases in temp...
The end-product of this case study will be a climate service for a winter tourism centre Ruka in Nor...
About this document Deliverable: D5.3 Case Study Nr. 1 Assessment Methodology Report Work package...
"SnowApp-ilmastopalvelu lumetuksen ennakoinnin tukena hiihtokeskuksille ja muille talvimatkailutoimi...
Esite talvimatkailukeskuksille suunnitellusta ilmastopalvelusta, joka on kehitetty Blue-Action: Arct...
Presentation at the PROSNOW (H2020) "Climate services relevant to ski tourism" webinar on September ...
As a result of the research and work done during the project, the team involved in this case study h...
Presentation on the SnowApp climate service co-designed within the Blue-Action: Arctic Impact on Wea...
Presentation at the "Ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutuminen Arktisella alueella" workshop on 28.10.2020. Or...
Presentation given at the UArctic Congress in Oulu, Finland on 5 September 2018 in a session on Arct...
A presentation on the Blue-Action project, with a focus on the Case study 1 on co-designing a climat...
<p>Presentation at the Blue-Action project Kick-off meeting in Berlin (DE) 19 January 2017. Also ava...
<p>Presentation in the Blue-Action Annual Meeting in Bologna on 18-19 January 2018 on the progress o...
Leaflet on the climate service for winter tourism industry, co-designed by Blue-Action: Arctic Impac...
This presentation was given at the Colloquium of the The Finnish Society for Environmental Social Sc...
Northern Finland is one of the fastest warming regions in Europe with the greatest increases in temp...
The end-product of this case study will be a climate service for a winter tourism centre Ruka in Nor...
About this document Deliverable: D5.3 Case Study Nr. 1 Assessment Methodology Report Work package...