FIGURE 14. Coenagrion puella-group, male appendices in doral view of the three members of this group from Iran, from the left to the right: A: C. puella, B: C. ponticum, and C: C. australocaspicum.Published as part of Schneider, Thomas, Ikemeyer, Dietmar, Müller, Ole & Dumont, Henri J., 2018, Checklist of the dragonflies (Odonata) of Iran with new records and notes on distribution and taxonomy, pp. 1-40 in Zootaxa 4394 (1) on page 26, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4394.1.1,
FIGURE 27. Orthetrum a. albistylum and O. a. speciosum. Note the strong difference in size between a...
FIGURE 20. Males of left: Gomphus schneiderii (Azarbãyejãn-e-Garbi, location 136) and right: Gomphus...
FIGURE 3. Calopteryx splendens complex in NW-Iran: Different wing colourations in Calopteryx males f...
FIGURE 15. Males of left: Coenagrion pulchellum (Azarbãyejãn-e-Garbi, location 133) and right: Eryth...
FIGURE 12. Males of left: Coenagrion lunulatum (Azarbãyejãn-e-Sharqi, location 131) and right: Coena...
FIGURE 13. Distribution of the members of the Coenagrion puella-group in Iran (C. puella (dots), C. ...
FIGURE 8. Male appendices from lateral view: A I. fountaineae, B I. evansi, C I. pumilio, D I. inter...
FIGURE 16. Male (Photo DI) and its appendix (in a lateral view, Photo TS) of Pseudagrion laidlawi 25...
FIGURE 2. Male Calopteryx splendens from Iran, above: Calopteryx s. orientalis (35.34757°N, 60.19286...
FIGURE 11. Enallagma c. risi A, C (desert lake, Kermãn) and B, D Enallagma c. cyathigerum (Lake Vala...
FIGURE 17. Male of Aeshna vercanica, shaded mountain rivulet with cascades near Loveh village, Goles...
FIGURE 23. Males of left: Cordulegaster coronata (34.95685°N 60.16719°E, Khorãsãn-Razavi, 1683 m, 09...
FIGURE 4. Male of Lestes macrostigma in NW-Azarbãyejãn-e-Garbi, location 124. Photo DI.Published as ...
FIGURE 6. Male appendices of the three Sympecma species: The position of the basal tooth on the appe...
FIGURE 7. Male Ischnura specimens from Sistãn-va-Baluchestãn, above left: Ischnura forcipata (locati...
FIGURE 27. Orthetrum a. albistylum and O. a. speciosum. Note the strong difference in size between a...
FIGURE 20. Males of left: Gomphus schneiderii (Azarbãyejãn-e-Garbi, location 136) and right: Gomphus...
FIGURE 3. Calopteryx splendens complex in NW-Iran: Different wing colourations in Calopteryx males f...
FIGURE 15. Males of left: Coenagrion pulchellum (Azarbãyejãn-e-Garbi, location 133) and right: Eryth...
FIGURE 12. Males of left: Coenagrion lunulatum (Azarbãyejãn-e-Sharqi, location 131) and right: Coena...
FIGURE 13. Distribution of the members of the Coenagrion puella-group in Iran (C. puella (dots), C. ...
FIGURE 8. Male appendices from lateral view: A I. fountaineae, B I. evansi, C I. pumilio, D I. inter...
FIGURE 16. Male (Photo DI) and its appendix (in a lateral view, Photo TS) of Pseudagrion laidlawi 25...
FIGURE 2. Male Calopteryx splendens from Iran, above: Calopteryx s. orientalis (35.34757°N, 60.19286...
FIGURE 11. Enallagma c. risi A, C (desert lake, Kermãn) and B, D Enallagma c. cyathigerum (Lake Vala...
FIGURE 17. Male of Aeshna vercanica, shaded mountain rivulet with cascades near Loveh village, Goles...
FIGURE 23. Males of left: Cordulegaster coronata (34.95685°N 60.16719°E, Khorãsãn-Razavi, 1683 m, 09...
FIGURE 4. Male of Lestes macrostigma in NW-Azarbãyejãn-e-Garbi, location 124. Photo DI.Published as ...
FIGURE 6. Male appendices of the three Sympecma species: The position of the basal tooth on the appe...
FIGURE 7. Male Ischnura specimens from Sistãn-va-Baluchestãn, above left: Ischnura forcipata (locati...
FIGURE 27. Orthetrum a. albistylum and O. a. speciosum. Note the strong difference in size between a...
FIGURE 20. Males of left: Gomphus schneiderii (Azarbãyejãn-e-Garbi, location 136) and right: Gomphus...
FIGURE 3. Calopteryx splendens complex in NW-Iran: Different wing colourations in Calopteryx males f...