Scripts to reproduce the figures of the DeepImpute paper. See for more details
Scripts and all data necessary to run the analyses and redo the figures. A detailed script "main.R" ...
This release contains two files with R scripts for analysing "A Dataset Documenting Representations ...
Scripts used in analyses and plotting selected figures. See also
This folder contains the scripts used for preparation of the figures in the mBio paper
Data generated using simulations with our software. See:
R script detailing the analyses, figures, tables, and text values presented in the paper
In this folder you can find code to run all analyses reported in the paper. The script "all_figures_...
The 7z file contains two folders, one named 'mat' contains the matlab scripts for post-processing De...
R scripts to reproduce the analysis and recreate the figures included in the paper
Scripts and data archive for paper titled "SPACEL: characterizing spatial transcriptome architecture...
The data is for evaluating DeepDRIM and repeating the ex...
Dataset and source code for paper “Software Visualization and Deep Transfer Learning for Effective S...
This is the version of DeepSlice used in the publication. It is mainly useful for replicating the va...
Jupyter notebooks and scripts for: LEIST, Christopher, et al. Deep-Learning Pipeline for Statistical...
Supporting data and analysis scripts for all figures in the paper "Loading a quantum-dot based "Quby...
Scripts and all data necessary to run the analyses and redo the figures. A detailed script "main.R" ...
This release contains two files with R scripts for analysing "A Dataset Documenting Representations ...
Scripts used in analyses and plotting selected figures. See also
This folder contains the scripts used for preparation of the figures in the mBio paper
Data generated using simulations with our software. See:
R script detailing the analyses, figures, tables, and text values presented in the paper
In this folder you can find code to run all analyses reported in the paper. The script "all_figures_...
The 7z file contains two folders, one named 'mat' contains the matlab scripts for post-processing De...
R scripts to reproduce the analysis and recreate the figures included in the paper
Scripts and data archive for paper titled "SPACEL: characterizing spatial transcriptome architecture...
The data is for evaluating DeepDRIM and repeating the ex...
Dataset and source code for paper “Software Visualization and Deep Transfer Learning for Effective S...
This is the version of DeepSlice used in the publication. It is mainly useful for replicating the va...
Jupyter notebooks and scripts for: LEIST, Christopher, et al. Deep-Learning Pipeline for Statistical...
Supporting data and analysis scripts for all figures in the paper "Loading a quantum-dot based "Quby...
Scripts and all data necessary to run the analyses and redo the figures. A detailed script "main.R" ...
This release contains two files with R scripts for analysing "A Dataset Documenting Representations ...
Scripts used in analyses and plotting selected figures. See also