Dasymutilla tomberlini Manley Dasymutilla tomberlini Manley, 1999b. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 101:412. Holotype female, Antelope Pass, Peloncillo Mountains, Hidalgo County, New Mexico, July 1990 (Barney Tomberlin) [CMNH]. Diagnosis of Female (Plate C9C). This species can be recognized by the disk of tergum I, which is conspicuously smooth and shining, and coloration. The entire body, dorsum, venter, pleura, and legs, is clothed with pale, yellow setae. The integument is entirely of a dark, reddish color, and the disk of tergum I is conspicuously smooth and shining. Also, the female has the antennal scrobe strongly carinate dorsally, but a genal carina is absent. The posterolateral angle of the head is not tuberculate. The mesosoma is long...
Photomorphus clandestina (Viereck) Odontophotopsis clandestinus Viereck, 1903. Acad. Nat. Sci. Ph...
FIGURES 13–18. Odontophotopsis dalyi, sp. nov., genitalia, 13. ventral view, 14. dorsal view; Odonto...
2. Antennotilla Bischoff, 1920 (Figs 4a, 4b) Antennotilla Bischoff, 1920: 24 (key), 1921: 710 (d...
Dasymutilla asteria Mickel Dasymutilla asteria Mickel, 1936a. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 29:57. Holotyp...
Dasymutilla eminentia Mickel Dasymutilla eminentia Mickel, 1928. U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 143:79. Ho...
Dasymutilla chisos Mickel, 1928 Dasymutilla chisos Mickel, 1928: 284, 3. Holotype: Texas, Brews...
Dasymutilla magnifica Mickel Dasymutilla magnifica Mickel, 1928. U.S. Natl. Mus., Bul. 143: 234. ...
Dasymutilla niphopilis Manley & Pitts, new species Holotype female, Mexico, Sonora, Guaymas, VI-12...
Dasymutilla arenivaga Mickel Dasymutilla arenivaga Mickel, 1928. U.S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 143: 278. ...
FIGURES 11–16. Dasymutilla gloriosa (Saussure, 1868) and D. pseudopappus (Cockerell, 1895). 11–14. D...
PLATE 1. Male genitalia of Dasymutilla. A. D. atrata. B. D. baylegi. C. D. bimaculata. D. D. boharti...
Dasymutilla baleygi Manley & Pitts, new species Holotype male, Mexico, Jalisco, Chamela Biological...
PLATE 2. Male genitalia of Dasymutilla. A. D. impressa. B. D. ionothorax. C. D. loreto. D. D. mazatl...
MANLEY, DONALD G., PITTS, JAMES P. (2007): Tropical and Subtropical Velvet Ants of the Genus Dasymut...
Photomorphus bicolor (Blake) Agama bicolor Blake, 1879. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 7: 252. Male. Synt...
Photomorphus clandestina (Viereck) Odontophotopsis clandestinus Viereck, 1903. Acad. Nat. Sci. Ph...
FIGURES 13–18. Odontophotopsis dalyi, sp. nov., genitalia, 13. ventral view, 14. dorsal view; Odonto...
2. Antennotilla Bischoff, 1920 (Figs 4a, 4b) Antennotilla Bischoff, 1920: 24 (key), 1921: 710 (d...
Dasymutilla asteria Mickel Dasymutilla asteria Mickel, 1936a. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 29:57. Holotyp...
Dasymutilla eminentia Mickel Dasymutilla eminentia Mickel, 1928. U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 143:79. Ho...
Dasymutilla chisos Mickel, 1928 Dasymutilla chisos Mickel, 1928: 284, 3. Holotype: Texas, Brews...
Dasymutilla magnifica Mickel Dasymutilla magnifica Mickel, 1928. U.S. Natl. Mus., Bul. 143: 234. ...
Dasymutilla niphopilis Manley & Pitts, new species Holotype female, Mexico, Sonora, Guaymas, VI-12...
Dasymutilla arenivaga Mickel Dasymutilla arenivaga Mickel, 1928. U.S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 143: 278. ...
FIGURES 11–16. Dasymutilla gloriosa (Saussure, 1868) and D. pseudopappus (Cockerell, 1895). 11–14. D...
PLATE 1. Male genitalia of Dasymutilla. A. D. atrata. B. D. baylegi. C. D. bimaculata. D. D. boharti...
Dasymutilla baleygi Manley & Pitts, new species Holotype male, Mexico, Jalisco, Chamela Biological...
PLATE 2. Male genitalia of Dasymutilla. A. D. impressa. B. D. ionothorax. C. D. loreto. D. D. mazatl...
MANLEY, DONALD G., PITTS, JAMES P. (2007): Tropical and Subtropical Velvet Ants of the Genus Dasymut...
Photomorphus bicolor (Blake) Agama bicolor Blake, 1879. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 7: 252. Male. Synt...
Photomorphus clandestina (Viereck) Odontophotopsis clandestinus Viereck, 1903. Acad. Nat. Sci. Ph...
FIGURES 13–18. Odontophotopsis dalyi, sp. nov., genitalia, 13. ventral view, 14. dorsal view; Odonto...
2. Antennotilla Bischoff, 1920 (Figs 4a, 4b) Antennotilla Bischoff, 1920: 24 (key), 1921: 710 (d...