Database with 639 site attestations coming from edited medieval written sources[1] and published site catalogues[2], together with related metadata and bibliography. [1] Gaddoni & Zaccherini, 1912; Mascanzoni, 1985, 2010; Benericetti, 1999, 2002a, 2002b, 2003, 2005, 2006a, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2019a, 2019b. [2] Mancini & Vichi, 1959; Montevecchi, 1970, 1971, 1972; Merlini, 1982; Augenti, Ficara, & Ravaioli, 2012; Ravaioli, 2015."Geoarchaeology and palaeoDEMs modelling to assess the archaeological potential of Ravenna and its hinterland" is a multidisciplinary and diachronic PhD project whose aim was to reconstruct the physical evolution of the landscape around Ravenna (Italy) from the Bronze Age until today and how this influenced huma...
For over 30 years, the Pontine Region Project (PRP) has carried out intensive archaeological artefac...
In this poster we present the results of the “Bassa Romandiola Survey Project”, a landscape archaeol...
In the long-debated transition from late antiquity to the early middle ages, the city of Ravenna pre...
Geoarchaeological dataset with 8018 archaeological sites and geological layers collected for the hin...
GeoPackage database with 994 fluvial and anthropogenic traces mapped in the hinterland of Ravenna th...
GeoPackage database with vector files showing the evolution of the river network of the hinterland o...
GeoPackage database with polygonal files showing the evolution of the wetlands of the hinterland of ...
The “Bassa Romandiola” project was promoted by the University of Bologna and the “Centro di Studi su...
The localDEM for the hinterland of Ravenna was created interpolating ground control points (GCP) man...
Three hand augering campaigns were carried out between 2018 and 2020 in the hinterland of Ravenna to...
The “Bassa Romandiola” project was promoted by the University of Bologna and the “Centro di Studi su...
The dataset was collected in 2008-2009 in the preliminary phase of the “Bassa Romandiola” project (U...
Ravenna is the place which preserves the highest number of historical evidence among all centres fea...
This dissertation examines the 856 CE relocation of the relics of Ravenna's patron saint, Apollinari...
Ravenna ranked among the most significant administrative, political and religious centres of late an...
For over 30 years, the Pontine Region Project (PRP) has carried out intensive archaeological artefac...
In this poster we present the results of the “Bassa Romandiola Survey Project”, a landscape archaeol...
In the long-debated transition from late antiquity to the early middle ages, the city of Ravenna pre...
Geoarchaeological dataset with 8018 archaeological sites and geological layers collected for the hin...
GeoPackage database with 994 fluvial and anthropogenic traces mapped in the hinterland of Ravenna th...
GeoPackage database with vector files showing the evolution of the river network of the hinterland o...
GeoPackage database with polygonal files showing the evolution of the wetlands of the hinterland of ...
The “Bassa Romandiola” project was promoted by the University of Bologna and the “Centro di Studi su...
The localDEM for the hinterland of Ravenna was created interpolating ground control points (GCP) man...
Three hand augering campaigns were carried out between 2018 and 2020 in the hinterland of Ravenna to...
The “Bassa Romandiola” project was promoted by the University of Bologna and the “Centro di Studi su...
The dataset was collected in 2008-2009 in the preliminary phase of the “Bassa Romandiola” project (U...
Ravenna is the place which preserves the highest number of historical evidence among all centres fea...
This dissertation examines the 856 CE relocation of the relics of Ravenna's patron saint, Apollinari...
Ravenna ranked among the most significant administrative, political and religious centres of late an...
For over 30 years, the Pontine Region Project (PRP) has carried out intensive archaeological artefac...
In this poster we present the results of the “Bassa Romandiola Survey Project”, a landscape archaeol...
In the long-debated transition from late antiquity to the early middle ages, the city of Ravenna pre...