Calamotropha duovirgata Kim & Qi & Wang & Li 2023, sp. nov.

  • Kim, Yongnam
  • Qi, Mujie
  • Wang, Shuxia
  • Li, Houhun
Publication date
June 2023


Calamotropha duovirgata Kim & Li, sp. nov. (Figs 11, 36, 57) Type material. Tibet: Holotype ♁, Beibeng Township (29.25°N, 95.18°E), Mêdog County, 810 m, 15.VIII.2017, leg. MJ Qi et al., slide No. KYN21337. Paratypes: 1♀, same collection location as holotype, 26.Ⅴ–4.VI.2021, leg. HL Han, slide No. KYN21227; 1♁, Checkpoint (29.33°N, 95.34°E), Yadong village, Mêdog county, 833 m, 2.VIII.2018, leg. MJ Qi, slide No. KYN21336. Diagnosis. The new species can be distinguished by the forewing with longitudinal pale brown line along M 1 vein and CuA 2 vein, respectively. It is similar to C. franki (Caradja, 1931) superficially, and can be distinguished by the forewing without medial dot and the terminal margin with six evenly distribute...

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