FIGURE 10. Profiles of anterior chaetigers of the Aurospio species described.Published as part of Paterson, Gordon L. J., Neal, Lenka, Altamira, Iris, Soto, Eulogio H., Smith, Craig R., Menot, Lenaick, Billett, David S. M., Cunha, Marina R., Marchais-Laguionie, Claire & Glover, Adrian G., 2016, New Prionospio and Aurospio Species from the Deep Sea (Annelida: Polychaeta) in Zootaxa 4092 (1) on page 20, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4092.1.1,
FIGURE 10. SEM of Laubieriellus grasslei (USNM 65918, paratypes). A. Anterior and median chaetigers,...
FIGURE 10. Onuphis pancerii. Specimens from Santander Bay (MNCN 16.01/15348, MNCN 16.01/15350). Scan...
FIGURE 9. Diopatra madeirensis (AM W.49214), line drawings. A, Parapodium from chaetiger 1, anterior...
FIGURE 2. Profiles of anterior chaetigers of the Prionospio species described. 1) Prionospio amarsup...
FIGURE 3. Prionospio amarsupiata sp. nov. a) Dorsal view of anterior chaetigers; scale bar = 200 µm....
FIGURE 2. Profiles of anterior chaetigers of the Prionospio species described. 1) Prionospio amarsup...
FIGURE 1. Maps showing location of collecting sites and distribution of species. a. Locations of the...
Paterson, Gordon L. J., Neal, Lenka, Altamira, Iris, Soto, Eulogio H., Smith, Craig R., Menot, Lenai...
FIGURE 14. Aurospio abranchiata sp. nov. Porcupine Abyssal Plain (Bengal 5 _ D 231 _ 13368 # 20 sp 8...
FIGURE 10. Leitoscoloplos robustus (Verrill, 1873). A, anterior end, right lateral view; B, anterior...
FIGURE 10. Sphaerosyllis monicae sp. nov. (A) anterior end and midbody, dorsal view; (B–C) falcigers...
FIGURE 10. SEM of Laubieriellus grasslei (USNM 65918, paratypes). A. Anterior and median chaetigers,...
FIGURE 10. Odontosyllis polycera (SMF 24991); compound chaetae; A midbody; aciculae, B midbody; C oo...
FIGURE 10. Bhawania bastidai n. sp., holotype (ECOSUR-261). A) Complete fragmented body, arrow indic...
FIGURE 3. Prionospio amarsupiata sp. nov. a) Dorsal view of anterior chaetigers; scale bar = 200 µm....
FIGURE 10. SEM of Laubieriellus grasslei (USNM 65918, paratypes). A. Anterior and median chaetigers,...
FIGURE 10. Onuphis pancerii. Specimens from Santander Bay (MNCN 16.01/15348, MNCN 16.01/15350). Scan...
FIGURE 9. Diopatra madeirensis (AM W.49214), line drawings. A, Parapodium from chaetiger 1, anterior...
FIGURE 2. Profiles of anterior chaetigers of the Prionospio species described. 1) Prionospio amarsup...
FIGURE 3. Prionospio amarsupiata sp. nov. a) Dorsal view of anterior chaetigers; scale bar = 200 µm....
FIGURE 2. Profiles of anterior chaetigers of the Prionospio species described. 1) Prionospio amarsup...
FIGURE 1. Maps showing location of collecting sites and distribution of species. a. Locations of the...
Paterson, Gordon L. J., Neal, Lenka, Altamira, Iris, Soto, Eulogio H., Smith, Craig R., Menot, Lenai...
FIGURE 14. Aurospio abranchiata sp. nov. Porcupine Abyssal Plain (Bengal 5 _ D 231 _ 13368 # 20 sp 8...
FIGURE 10. Leitoscoloplos robustus (Verrill, 1873). A, anterior end, right lateral view; B, anterior...
FIGURE 10. Sphaerosyllis monicae sp. nov. (A) anterior end and midbody, dorsal view; (B–C) falcigers...
FIGURE 10. SEM of Laubieriellus grasslei (USNM 65918, paratypes). A. Anterior and median chaetigers,...
FIGURE 10. Odontosyllis polycera (SMF 24991); compound chaetae; A midbody; aciculae, B midbody; C oo...
FIGURE 10. Bhawania bastidai n. sp., holotype (ECOSUR-261). A) Complete fragmented body, arrow indic...
FIGURE 3. Prionospio amarsupiata sp. nov. a) Dorsal view of anterior chaetigers; scale bar = 200 µm....
FIGURE 10. SEM of Laubieriellus grasslei (USNM 65918, paratypes). A. Anterior and median chaetigers,...
FIGURE 10. Onuphis pancerii. Specimens from Santander Bay (MNCN 16.01/15348, MNCN 16.01/15350). Scan...
FIGURE 9. Diopatra madeirensis (AM W.49214), line drawings. A, Parapodium from chaetiger 1, anterior...