The GitHub repository for this project does not contain the output generated by the script—3.2 GB of compressed data. All output data is available as this Zenodo archive. The `vignettes/` directory contains all data generated by the `guedesbocinsky2018.Rmd` RMarkdown vignette: - `data/raw_data` contains data downloaded from web sources for this analysis - `data/derived_data/` contains tables of the raw site chronometric data without locational information, and the modeled chronometric probability and niche information for each site. - `data/derived_data/models/` contains R data objects describing the Kriging interpolation models across the study area - `data/derived_data/recons/` contains NetCDF format raster brick...
This repository includes the following files for replicating the results provided in the paper: "The...
This collection contains the datasets used in our study ‘Forestation at the right time with the righ...
International audienceAbstract Reliable estimates of the impacts of climate change on crop productio...
The GitHub repository for this project does not contain the output generated by the script—3.2 GB of...
<p>The GitHub repository for this project does not contain the output<br> generated by the script—3....
This file contains the data and codes used in the paper: Abrupt shifts govern ecosystem productivity...
The agricultural sector will be hit hard by climate change. More than 265 million people are facing ...
We discuss an on-line tool that facilitates access to the large collection of climate impacts on cro...
The increasing concentration of anthropogenic greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is altering the cli...
Data is associated with the submitted manuscript title " Climate models predict a divergent fut...
Data for reproduction of figures in the manuscript: de Kok, R. J., Tuinenburg, O. A., Bonekamp, P. N...
This data is used for the replication on the paper "Urbanization, industrialization and carbon ...
Zip folder containing the data and code that support the findings of Zhang et al. (2023) Deeper tops...
This data set builds on a previous project that examined geographic targeting of agricultural resear...
Land-use change is a direct driver of biodiversity and carbon storage loss. Projections of future la...
This repository includes the following files for replicating the results provided in the paper: "The...
This collection contains the datasets used in our study ‘Forestation at the right time with the righ...
International audienceAbstract Reliable estimates of the impacts of climate change on crop productio...
The GitHub repository for this project does not contain the output generated by the script—3.2 GB of...
<p>The GitHub repository for this project does not contain the output<br> generated by the script—3....
This file contains the data and codes used in the paper: Abrupt shifts govern ecosystem productivity...
The agricultural sector will be hit hard by climate change. More than 265 million people are facing ...
We discuss an on-line tool that facilitates access to the large collection of climate impacts on cro...
The increasing concentration of anthropogenic greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is altering the cli...
Data is associated with the submitted manuscript title " Climate models predict a divergent fut...
Data for reproduction of figures in the manuscript: de Kok, R. J., Tuinenburg, O. A., Bonekamp, P. N...
This data is used for the replication on the paper "Urbanization, industrialization and carbon ...
Zip folder containing the data and code that support the findings of Zhang et al. (2023) Deeper tops...
This data set builds on a previous project that examined geographic targeting of agricultural resear...
Land-use change is a direct driver of biodiversity and carbon storage loss. Projections of future la...
This repository includes the following files for replicating the results provided in the paper: "The...
This collection contains the datasets used in our study ‘Forestation at the right time with the righ...
International audienceAbstract Reliable estimates of the impacts of climate change on crop productio...