Updated version of the feature Soil province of Italy at the 1:1,000,000 scale. The original geodatabase (version 1.0 - https://zenodo.org/record/7072306) is not replaced because collecting other features debribed by references. This version partially becomes observations raised by regional officiers of Regione Emilia Romagna and Regione Veneto: few map units have been splitted in order to better conform to regional features. This new map reports 51 map units.Conform to: Commission Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services. http://data.europa.eu/eli/reg/2010/1089/2014-12-3
Many EU policy areas are dealing with soils. The comparability of information on soils in Europe is ...
Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze, tecnologie e biotecnologie per la sostenibilitàSoil plays a key rol...
Aim of this work was to test the 2010 version of the WRB soil classification for compilating a map ...
The Soil Map of Italy at 1:1,000,000 scale, was the result of the work of Edoardo AC Costantini, Gio...
This paper is aimed at showing the organization of the national soil information system managed by t...
Tha authors have made a Georeferenced Soil Data Base for Sardinia and related soil map at 1: 250.000...
The application offers both soil and climatic information, related to 1:500,000 scale geography. The...
In this paper we present the land units map of Italy, covering an area of ca. 300,000 km 2 between...
Soils perform several functions in delivering ecosystem services and this shapefile is the first soi...
Edited from Scientific Committee of European Soil Bureau. Italian edition by Edoardo A. C. Costantin...
In this paper we present the land units map of Italy, covering an area of ca. 300,000km(2) between 4...
The INSPIRE Directive institute a European infrastructure for spatial information to support the env...
The cadastral map represents an essential layer of any spatial data infrastructure, as well emphasiz...
Soil maps of Europe, published by the EU and the European Soil Bureau Network; with varying scales 1...
The advent of GIS represent a revolution in the management of cartography; this system allows to pro...
Many EU policy areas are dealing with soils. The comparability of information on soils in Europe is ...
Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze, tecnologie e biotecnologie per la sostenibilitàSoil plays a key rol...
Aim of this work was to test the 2010 version of the WRB soil classification for compilating a map ...
The Soil Map of Italy at 1:1,000,000 scale, was the result of the work of Edoardo AC Costantini, Gio...
This paper is aimed at showing the organization of the national soil information system managed by t...
Tha authors have made a Georeferenced Soil Data Base for Sardinia and related soil map at 1: 250.000...
The application offers both soil and climatic information, related to 1:500,000 scale geography. The...
In this paper we present the land units map of Italy, covering an area of ca. 300,000 km 2 between...
Soils perform several functions in delivering ecosystem services and this shapefile is the first soi...
Edited from Scientific Committee of European Soil Bureau. Italian edition by Edoardo A. C. Costantin...
In this paper we present the land units map of Italy, covering an area of ca. 300,000km(2) between 4...
The INSPIRE Directive institute a European infrastructure for spatial information to support the env...
The cadastral map represents an essential layer of any spatial data infrastructure, as well emphasiz...
Soil maps of Europe, published by the EU and the European Soil Bureau Network; with varying scales 1...
The advent of GIS represent a revolution in the management of cartography; this system allows to pro...
Many EU policy areas are dealing with soils. The comparability of information on soils in Europe is ...
Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze, tecnologie e biotecnologie per la sostenibilitàSoil plays a key rol...
Aim of this work was to test the 2010 version of the WRB soil classification for compilating a map ...