Fig. 61. Osteoglossidae Bonaparte, 1832 and Ariidae Berg, 1958, elements. A–H. Osteoglossidae. A–B. Tooth, MSC 35778.1, lower Tallahatta Formation. A. Lingual view. B. Basal view. C–D. Tooth, MSC 38444, Tallahatta/Lisbon formation contact zone, courtesy of James Lowery. C. Lateral view. D. Basal view. E–F. Tooth, MSC 37515, basal Gosport Sand. E. Lingual view. F. Basal view. G–H. Tooth, MSC 37307.1, basal Lisbon Formation. G. Lingual view. H. Basal view. — I–Q. Ariidae. I–L. Pectoral spine, MSC 37122, Tallahatta/Lisbon formation contact zone, courtesy of Bruce Relihan. I. Anterior view. J. Posterior view. K. Lateral view. L. Transverse section. M–O. Pectoral spine, MSC 2398, Gosport Sand. M. Anterior view. N. Dorsal view. O. Posterior view....
Fig. 16. Jaekelotodus robustus (Leriche, 1921), teeth. A–C. MSC 35740.1, anterior tooth, Meridian Sa...
Fig. 46. Aetomylaeus sp., teeth. A–E. MSC 38836, lower median tooth, "upper" Lisbon Formation. A. Or...
Fig. 44. Aetobatus sp., teeth. A–E. MSC 37150, lower median tooth, Tallahatta/Lisbon formation conta...
Fig. 62. Sphyraena sp. and Eutrichiurides plicidens (Arambourg, 1952) comb. nov., teeth. A–L. Sphyra...
Fig. 57. Pycnodus sp., teeth and Lepisosteidae elements. A–L. Pycnodus sp. A–C. MSC 35773.1, tooth, ...
Fig. 6. Orectolobus ziegenhinei Cappetta & Case, 2016, teeth. A–E. MSC 37009, Tallahatta/Lisbon form...
Fig. 64. Palaeocybium proosti (Storms, 1897) and Scomberomorus Lacépède, 1802, teeth. A–I. Palaeocyb...
Fig. 28. Rhizoprionodon ganntourensis (Arambourg, 1952), teeth. A–C. MSC 2173.4, lower lateroposteri...
Fig. 27. Negaprion gilmorei (White, 1956), teeth. A–C. MSC 37682.2, upper lateral tooth, basal Lisbo...
Fig. 70. Claiborne Group, "upper" Lisbon Formation, otoliths. A–B. Diretmus? cf. D. serratus (Müller...
Fig. 34 (opposite page). Physogaleus secundus (Winkler, 1876), teeth. A–C. MSC 37116, lateral tooth,...
Fig. 29. Scoliodon conecuhensis Cappetta & Case, 2016, teeth. A–C. MSC 188.130, upper lateral tooth,...
Fig. 30. Abdounia beaugei (Arambourg, 1935), teeth. A–C. MSC 35754.1, anterolateral tooth, lower Tal...
Fig. 66. Fisherichthys aff. F. folmeri Weems, 1999 and Ostraciidae Rafinesque, 1810, elements. A–L. ...
Fig. 51. Meridiania cf. M. convexa Case 1994, teeth. A–D. MSC 38877, median tooth, lower Tallahatta ...
Fig. 16. Jaekelotodus robustus (Leriche, 1921), teeth. A–C. MSC 35740.1, anterior tooth, Meridian Sa...
Fig. 46. Aetomylaeus sp., teeth. A–E. MSC 38836, lower median tooth, "upper" Lisbon Formation. A. Or...
Fig. 44. Aetobatus sp., teeth. A–E. MSC 37150, lower median tooth, Tallahatta/Lisbon formation conta...
Fig. 62. Sphyraena sp. and Eutrichiurides plicidens (Arambourg, 1952) comb. nov., teeth. A–L. Sphyra...
Fig. 57. Pycnodus sp., teeth and Lepisosteidae elements. A–L. Pycnodus sp. A–C. MSC 35773.1, tooth, ...
Fig. 6. Orectolobus ziegenhinei Cappetta & Case, 2016, teeth. A–E. MSC 37009, Tallahatta/Lisbon form...
Fig. 64. Palaeocybium proosti (Storms, 1897) and Scomberomorus Lacépède, 1802, teeth. A–I. Palaeocyb...
Fig. 28. Rhizoprionodon ganntourensis (Arambourg, 1952), teeth. A–C. MSC 2173.4, lower lateroposteri...
Fig. 27. Negaprion gilmorei (White, 1956), teeth. A–C. MSC 37682.2, upper lateral tooth, basal Lisbo...
Fig. 70. Claiborne Group, "upper" Lisbon Formation, otoliths. A–B. Diretmus? cf. D. serratus (Müller...
Fig. 34 (opposite page). Physogaleus secundus (Winkler, 1876), teeth. A–C. MSC 37116, lateral tooth,...
Fig. 29. Scoliodon conecuhensis Cappetta & Case, 2016, teeth. A–C. MSC 188.130, upper lateral tooth,...
Fig. 30. Abdounia beaugei (Arambourg, 1935), teeth. A–C. MSC 35754.1, anterolateral tooth, lower Tal...
Fig. 66. Fisherichthys aff. F. folmeri Weems, 1999 and Ostraciidae Rafinesque, 1810, elements. A–L. ...
Fig. 51. Meridiania cf. M. convexa Case 1994, teeth. A–D. MSC 38877, median tooth, lower Tallahatta ...
Fig. 16. Jaekelotodus robustus (Leriche, 1921), teeth. A–C. MSC 35740.1, anterior tooth, Meridian Sa...
Fig. 46. Aetomylaeus sp., teeth. A–E. MSC 38836, lower median tooth, "upper" Lisbon Formation. A. Or...
Fig. 44. Aetobatus sp., teeth. A–E. MSC 37150, lower median tooth, Tallahatta/Lisbon formation conta...