FIGURE 10. Chelidonura alisonae n. sp. A. Dorsal view of preserved specimen (CASIZ 073408). B. Ventral view, showing digestive system (CASIZ174177). Buccal bulb and crop. bb buccal bulb, cr crop, dg digestive gland, og ventral oral gland sg salivary gland, sp supraintestinal ganglion, C. Central nervous system, (CASIZ174177), c cerebral ganglion, e eye, pe pedal ganglion, pl pleural ganglion, sp supraintestinal ganglion, su subintestinal ganglion, v visceral ganglion. D. Posterior genital system, al albumen gland, am ampulla, bc bursa copulatrix, me membrane gland, mu mucous gland, rs receptaculum seminis. E. Penis (CASIZ 174177), p penial papilla, pr prostate. F. Penis (CASIZ 088575), p penial papilla, pr prostate. G. Penis (AMNH 319376), ...
FIGURE 10. Leitoscoloplos latibranchus. A, C: AM W.7347 (holotype), B, D–I: AM W.199322. A–G: stereo...
FIGURE 6. Pleurocodonellina jeparaensis n. sp. A–D, TAB 03, holotype. A. General view of encrusting ...
FIGURE 10. Elysia asbecki sp. nov.: anatomy: Schematic drawing of digestive system and position of s...
FIGURE 7. Philinopsis ctenophoraphaga n. sp., paratype, CASIZ 096245. A. Dorsal view of preserved an...
FIGURE 3. Internal anatomy, Philinopsis falciphallus n. sp. A. Shell, paratype, CASIZ 177678, scale ...
FIGURE 1. Living animals A. Philinopsis falciphallus n. sp., paratype, CASIZ 177678, Mabini, Philipp...
FIGURE 2. Shells. A. Philinopsis falciphallus. n. sp., paratype, CASIZ 177678, Mabini, Philippines. ...
FIGURE 4. Philinopsis falciphallus n. sp., Scanning eletron micrographs. A., B. Penis paratype, Phil...
FIGURE 10. A–P, Cerithidea anticipata. Q–V, C. reidi. A, Cerithium kieneri Hombron & Jacquinot, 1848...
FIGURE 10. Scanning electron micrographs of Bornella hermanni Angas, 1864. A–F, Rachidian tooth vari...
Figure 10. Vignadula mangle (Ockelmann, 1983) comb. nov. A, numerous individuals amongst barnacles (...
FIGURE 20. Drawings of the internal anatomy of a specimen of Zeusia herculea (Bergh, 1894) (SIO-BIC ...
Figure 10. Histology of anterior oesophagus; ventral folding absent. (A) Neverita duplicata. Scale b...
FIGURE 10. Hoplodoris, reproductive system. A. Hoplodoris desmoparypha CASIZ 309550, (scale bar = 0....
Figure 10. Berndtia haradai sp. nov., female. Light microscopy of opercular area and mouth parts. (A...
FIGURE 10. Leitoscoloplos latibranchus. A, C: AM W.7347 (holotype), B, D–I: AM W.199322. A–G: stereo...
FIGURE 6. Pleurocodonellina jeparaensis n. sp. A–D, TAB 03, holotype. A. General view of encrusting ...
FIGURE 10. Elysia asbecki sp. nov.: anatomy: Schematic drawing of digestive system and position of s...
FIGURE 7. Philinopsis ctenophoraphaga n. sp., paratype, CASIZ 096245. A. Dorsal view of preserved an...
FIGURE 3. Internal anatomy, Philinopsis falciphallus n. sp. A. Shell, paratype, CASIZ 177678, scale ...
FIGURE 1. Living animals A. Philinopsis falciphallus n. sp., paratype, CASIZ 177678, Mabini, Philipp...
FIGURE 2. Shells. A. Philinopsis falciphallus. n. sp., paratype, CASIZ 177678, Mabini, Philippines. ...
FIGURE 4. Philinopsis falciphallus n. sp., Scanning eletron micrographs. A., B. Penis paratype, Phil...
FIGURE 10. A–P, Cerithidea anticipata. Q–V, C. reidi. A, Cerithium kieneri Hombron & Jacquinot, 1848...
FIGURE 10. Scanning electron micrographs of Bornella hermanni Angas, 1864. A–F, Rachidian tooth vari...
Figure 10. Vignadula mangle (Ockelmann, 1983) comb. nov. A, numerous individuals amongst barnacles (...
FIGURE 20. Drawings of the internal anatomy of a specimen of Zeusia herculea (Bergh, 1894) (SIO-BIC ...
Figure 10. Histology of anterior oesophagus; ventral folding absent. (A) Neverita duplicata. Scale b...
FIGURE 10. Hoplodoris, reproductive system. A. Hoplodoris desmoparypha CASIZ 309550, (scale bar = 0....
Figure 10. Berndtia haradai sp. nov., female. Light microscopy of opercular area and mouth parts. (A...
FIGURE 10. Leitoscoloplos latibranchus. A, C: AM W.7347 (holotype), B, D–I: AM W.199322. A–G: stereo...
FIGURE 6. Pleurocodonellina jeparaensis n. sp. A–D, TAB 03, holotype. A. General view of encrusting ...
FIGURE 10. Elysia asbecki sp. nov.: anatomy: Schematic drawing of digestive system and position of s...