Encyclopedia. This manuscript is now IO Islamic B453 in the India Office collections. [metadata: Otto Loth, A Catalogue of the Arabic Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office, (volume 1), no. 1028 here with further notations and hyperlinks]. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 1028. B453. Size 71/2 in. by 5 in.; foll. 12. Twenty-five and twenty-three lines in a page. Foll. 5-12. An encyclopedic treatise, by ḤABÎB ALLAH MÎRZÂ JÂN SHÎRÂZÎ (d. A.H. 994), written for a friend named Muḥammad (سمّی حبیب الله صلعم). It gives specimens of nine sciences, with critical remarks on them; viz., 1.البحث الاول من التفسیر; 2. المعانی; 3. البیان; 4. الاصول; 5. الکلام; 6. المنطق; 7. العلم الطبیعی; 8. الالهی; 9. الهیئة. Begins: جل و علا من تحیر عقول العارفین فی ک...