SpeedyWeather v0.1.1 Diff since v0.1.0 Closed issues: Available resolutions (#22) Merged pull requests: Scale vorticity and gradients with radius (#70) (@milankl) Pole stability, time step scaling, barotropic testcase (#72) (@milankl) new teaser pic with T341 (#73) (@milankl) renaming vorticity advection for consistency (#76) (@milankl) Various models via dispatch (#78) (@milankl) bump to v0.1.1 (#79) (@milankl
Sound value iteration (SVI) for DTMCs and MDPs Topological solver for linear equation systems and Mi...
Oceananigans v0.47.0 Diff since v0.46.1 All topologies are now supported on CPUs and GPUs. In partic...
Oceananigans v0.73.4 Diff since v0.73.3 Closed issues: Adding a Background field to Langmuir Turbul...
SpeedyWeather v0.2.0 Diff since v0.1.1 Closed issues: Spectral gradient leakage? (#63) Spectral gra...
SpeedyWeather v0.3.0 Diff since v0.2.1 Closed issues: Pre-allocate grid-point pressure values and u...
SpeedyWeather v0.1.0 Closed issues: Consistent definition of model (#42) Naming "spectral" (#64) ...
SpeedyWeather v0.4.0 Diff since v0.3.0 Closed issues: Prepare input data (#40) Float32 vs Float64 p...
ShallowWaters v0.5.0 Diff since v0.4.1 Closed issues: Precision resilient 2D Laplacian (#152) Merg...
Oceananigans v0.57.2 Diff since v0.57.1 Adds VerticallyImplicitTimeDiscretization for IsotropicDiff...
SpeedyWeather v0.2.1 Diff since v0.2.0 Closed issues: Get run id fails if 000?.xyz exists (#97) Me...
ShallowWaters v0.2.0 Diff since v0.1.0 Merged pull requests: ?Parameter help included (#125) (@mila...
Oceananigans v0.53.1 Diff since v0.53.0 Closed issues: buildkite with Julia v1.5.4? (#1461) cell_ad...
GeophysicalFlows v0.15.1 Diff since v0.15.0 Closed issues: Option to specify PV gradients explicitl...
What's Changed Gb/linear model (#105) @grantbuster Gb/surf min max (#103) @grantbuster Bnb/dev (#10...
ViscousFlow v0.5.0 Diff since v0.4.8 Closed issues: Fields output incorrect dimensions (#72) Merge...
Sound value iteration (SVI) for DTMCs and MDPs Topological solver for linear equation systems and Mi...
Oceananigans v0.47.0 Diff since v0.46.1 All topologies are now supported on CPUs and GPUs. In partic...
Oceananigans v0.73.4 Diff since v0.73.3 Closed issues: Adding a Background field to Langmuir Turbul...
SpeedyWeather v0.2.0 Diff since v0.1.1 Closed issues: Spectral gradient leakage? (#63) Spectral gra...
SpeedyWeather v0.3.0 Diff since v0.2.1 Closed issues: Pre-allocate grid-point pressure values and u...
SpeedyWeather v0.1.0 Closed issues: Consistent definition of model (#42) Naming "spectral" (#64) ...
SpeedyWeather v0.4.0 Diff since v0.3.0 Closed issues: Prepare input data (#40) Float32 vs Float64 p...
ShallowWaters v0.5.0 Diff since v0.4.1 Closed issues: Precision resilient 2D Laplacian (#152) Merg...
Oceananigans v0.57.2 Diff since v0.57.1 Adds VerticallyImplicitTimeDiscretization for IsotropicDiff...
SpeedyWeather v0.2.1 Diff since v0.2.0 Closed issues: Get run id fails if 000?.xyz exists (#97) Me...
ShallowWaters v0.2.0 Diff since v0.1.0 Merged pull requests: ?Parameter help included (#125) (@mila...
Oceananigans v0.53.1 Diff since v0.53.0 Closed issues: buildkite with Julia v1.5.4? (#1461) cell_ad...
GeophysicalFlows v0.15.1 Diff since v0.15.0 Closed issues: Option to specify PV gradients explicitl...
What's Changed Gb/linear model (#105) @grantbuster Gb/surf min max (#103) @grantbuster Bnb/dev (#10...
ViscousFlow v0.5.0 Diff since v0.4.8 Closed issues: Fields output incorrect dimensions (#72) Merge...
Sound value iteration (SVI) for DTMCs and MDPs Topological solver for linear equation systems and Mi...
Oceananigans v0.47.0 Diff since v0.46.1 All topologies are now supported on CPUs and GPUs. In partic...
Oceananigans v0.73.4 Diff since v0.73.3 Closed issues: Adding a Background field to Langmuir Turbul...