FIGURES 2–10. 2–5. Pseudophotopsis mascatiana, male. 2. Forewing; 3. Head; 4. Metasomal tergum 1, dorsal view; 5. Mandible, lateral view. 6–8. Arnoldtilla achterbergi sp. nov., female, holotype. 6. Habitus, dorsal view; 7. Mandible, dorsal view; 8. Pedicel and flagellomeres 1–3. 9–10. Omotilla conjuncta, male. 9. Mandible, dorsal view; 10. Genitalia, ventral view. Scale = 1 mm for 2–4, 6 and 0.5 mm for 5, 7–10.Published as part of Lelej, Arkady S. & Harten, Antonius Van, 2006, A review of the Mutillidae (Hymenoptera) of Yemen, pp. 1-50 in Zootaxa 1226 on page 9, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17267
FIGURES 10A–F. A–C. Traumatomutilla guayaca Casal, 1969, holotype, ♀, line 2 mm; A. Dorsal habitus; ...
FIGURES 21–28. Kurzenkotilla cicatricifera, ♀. 21. Habitus, lateral view; 22. Head and mesosoma, dor...
FIGURES 80–84. Odontophotopsis cockerelli: Fig. 80. habitus. Odontophotopsis villosa: Fig. 81. habit...
FIGURES 2 – 10. 2 – 5. Pseudophotopsis mascatiana, male. 2. Forewing; 3. Head; 4. Metasomal tergum 1...
FIGURES 22–29. 22–23. Spinulomutilla yemenita sp. nov., male, holotype. 22. Sterna 6–8, ventral view...
FIGURES 11 – 16. 11. Dentilla ehrenbergi sp. nov., male, holotype. Genitalia, left part, inner view....
FIGURES 22 – 29. 22 – 23. Spinulomutilla yemenita sp. nov., male, holotype. 22. Sterna 6 – 8, ventra...
FIGURES 9–15. Andreimyrme pakistanensis sp. nov., male, paratype. 9. Forewing; 10–11, Genitalia (10 ...
FIGURES 61–66. 61–62. Psammotherma flabellata (Fabricius, 1804), ♁: 61. Lateral habitus, 62. Dorsal ...
FIGURES 29–35. Kurzenkotilla. 29–31. K. rufodorsata, ♁: 29. Habitus, lateral view, 30. Head, face vi...
FIGURES 7–20. Kurzenkotilla. 7–13. K. annamensis (7, 9. ♀, holotype). 14–20. K. harmandi. 7, 8, 14, ...
FIGURES 53–60. 53–54. Physetopoda halensis (Fabricius, 1787), ♀: 53. Dorsal habitus, 54. Lateral hab...
FIGURES 6A–F. A–C. Traumatomutilla contempta André, 1908, holotype, ♀, line 2 mm; A. Dorsal habitus;...
FIGURES 43–55. 43. Traumatomutilla acara (Cresson), holotype, lateral habitus, line 2mm; 44. Mutilla...
FIGURES 7A–F. A–C. Traumatomutilla geographica (Gerstaecker, 1874), holotype, ♀, line 2 mm; A. Dorsa...
FIGURES 10A–F. A–C. Traumatomutilla guayaca Casal, 1969, holotype, ♀, line 2 mm; A. Dorsal habitus; ...
FIGURES 21–28. Kurzenkotilla cicatricifera, ♀. 21. Habitus, lateral view; 22. Head and mesosoma, dor...
FIGURES 80–84. Odontophotopsis cockerelli: Fig. 80. habitus. Odontophotopsis villosa: Fig. 81. habit...
FIGURES 2 – 10. 2 – 5. Pseudophotopsis mascatiana, male. 2. Forewing; 3. Head; 4. Metasomal tergum 1...
FIGURES 22–29. 22–23. Spinulomutilla yemenita sp. nov., male, holotype. 22. Sterna 6–8, ventral view...
FIGURES 11 – 16. 11. Dentilla ehrenbergi sp. nov., male, holotype. Genitalia, left part, inner view....
FIGURES 22 – 29. 22 – 23. Spinulomutilla yemenita sp. nov., male, holotype. 22. Sterna 6 – 8, ventra...
FIGURES 9–15. Andreimyrme pakistanensis sp. nov., male, paratype. 9. Forewing; 10–11, Genitalia (10 ...
FIGURES 61–66. 61–62. Psammotherma flabellata (Fabricius, 1804), ♁: 61. Lateral habitus, 62. Dorsal ...
FIGURES 29–35. Kurzenkotilla. 29–31. K. rufodorsata, ♁: 29. Habitus, lateral view, 30. Head, face vi...
FIGURES 7–20. Kurzenkotilla. 7–13. K. annamensis (7, 9. ♀, holotype). 14–20. K. harmandi. 7, 8, 14, ...
FIGURES 53–60. 53–54. Physetopoda halensis (Fabricius, 1787), ♀: 53. Dorsal habitus, 54. Lateral hab...
FIGURES 6A–F. A–C. Traumatomutilla contempta André, 1908, holotype, ♀, line 2 mm; A. Dorsal habitus;...
FIGURES 43–55. 43. Traumatomutilla acara (Cresson), holotype, lateral habitus, line 2mm; 44. Mutilla...
FIGURES 7A–F. A–C. Traumatomutilla geographica (Gerstaecker, 1874), holotype, ♀, line 2 mm; A. Dorsa...
FIGURES 10A–F. A–C. Traumatomutilla guayaca Casal, 1969, holotype, ♀, line 2 mm; A. Dorsal habitus; ...
FIGURES 21–28. Kurzenkotilla cicatricifera, ♀. 21. Habitus, lateral view; 22. Head and mesosoma, dor...
FIGURES 80–84. Odontophotopsis cockerelli: Fig. 80. habitus. Odontophotopsis villosa: Fig. 81. habit...