39. Amazon Weasel Mustela africana French: Belette des tropiques / German: Amazonas-Wiesel / Spanish: Comadreja amazonica Other common names: Tropical Weasel Taxonomy. Mustela africana Desmarest, 1818, Brazil. Monotypic. Distribution. Amazon Basin in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Descriptive notes. Head-body 24-38 cm, tail 16-21 cm. The Amazon Weasel has a long, slender body and short limbs. The pelage is reddish to dark brown, with paler undersides. The underparts have a longitudinal median stripe of the same color as the upper parts. The tail is uniformly brown. The plantar surfaces on the feet are nearly naked. Habitat. Has been reported from primary forest and humid riparian habitats. Food and Feeding. N...