145. Machado’s Butterfly Bat Glauconycteris machadoi French: Glauconyctére de Machado / German: Machado-Schmetterlingsfledermaus / Spanish: Glauconicterio de Machado Taxonomy. Glauconycteris machadoi Hayman, 1963, Lac Calungo, Angola. Some authors treated machadoi as a melanistic subspecies or mutant of G. variegata, but it is considered a distinct species here based on its distinct fur color. Monotypic. Distribution. Known only from type locality in E Angola. Descriptive notes. Head-body ¢. 57 mm, tail 48 mm, ear 13 mm, hindfoot 8-5 mm, forearm 46 mm (type specimen). Pelage is flufty and silky, with mid-dorsal hairs ¢. 8 mm long. Dorsum of Machado’s Butterfly Bat is medium dark brown without markings, becoming slightly pal...