Example data for python package orthomap. Includes OrthoFinder results for all translated coding sequences (CDS) from Ensembl release-105 (keeping only longest isoforms) and Xtropicalisv9.0.Named.primaryTrs.pep.fa from www.xenbase.org: Includes a table specifying the OrthoFinder species file names and its corresponding NCBI taxonomic IDs: Includes NCBI taxonomic tree for Ensembl release-105 species analysed: Includes pre-calculated gene age assignments for C. elegans (Sun et al. 2021) and H. vulgaris (Cazet et al. 2022): Includes pre-calculated TajimaD, NormalizedPi, FayWu, Fst for C. elegans (Ma et al. 2021): Includes extracted orthomaps for all Eukaryota from eggNOG database version 6.0 (Hernández-Plaz...