manoelcampos/cloudsim-plus: Amazon EC2 Instance Templates and other small features

  • Manoel Campos da Silva Filho
  • Raysa Oliveira
  • romantic668
  • Robert Reiz
Publication date
June 2017


Added Amazon EC2 instance templates in JSON format (#97). Vm.getStartTime(), Vm.getStopTime() and Vm.getTotalExecutionTime() methods to, respectively: get the time a VM started running for the first time; the time it was destroyed in the last Host it executed; and the total execution time across all Hosts the VM possibly have migrated across (#98). Allow a VM belonging to a broker to be destroyed after all its Cloudlets have finished, independently of the state of other running VMs and according to a given delay (#99). Changed Host Fault Injection Mechanism (#93). Fixed Cloudlets executed with CloudletSchedulerSpaceShared were giving incorrect results (#96)

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