Template Critical tweak to add --dir declaration to nf-core lint GitHub Actions linting.yml workflow General Add --dir declaration to nf-core sync GitHub Actions sync.yml workflo
Syncing Code refactoring to make the script more readable No travis build failure anymore on sync e...
Very minor patch release to fix the full size AWS tests and re-run the template sync, which partiall...
v2.0 - Palladium Platypus - [2021-07-13] :warning: Major enhancements & breaking changes This marks ...
Template Critical tweak to add --dir declaration to nf-core lint GitHub Actions linting.yml workflo...
Continuous integration Travis CI tests are now deprecated in favor of GitHub Actions within the pip...
Added better logging message if a user doesn't specificy the directory correctly with nf-core module...
Template Update repo logos to utilize GitHub's #gh-light/dark-mode-only, to switch between logos op...
This release fixes a sync error with Black linting in pipelines. Patch release to fix black linting...
Continuous integration GitHub Actions CI workflows are now included in the template pipeline Please...
This is a patch release fixing some nasty bugs that crept into the code base for the nf-core helper ...
PyPI package description The readme should now be rendered properly on PyPI. Tools helper code Th...
This release started off as a patch release to fix some errors introduced in 2.3 (eg. pipeline email...
When we do releases, we sometimes like to go big. This is one of those times. This is a truly huge r...
Syncing Code refactoring to make the script more readable No travis build failure anymore on sync e...
Very minor patch release to fix the full size AWS tests and re-run the template sync, which partiall...
v2.0 - Palladium Platypus - [2021-07-13] :warning: Major enhancements & breaking changes This marks ...
Template Critical tweak to add --dir declaration to nf-core lint GitHub Actions linting.yml workflo...
Continuous integration Travis CI tests are now deprecated in favor of GitHub Actions within the pip...
Added better logging message if a user doesn't specificy the directory correctly with nf-core module...
Template Update repo logos to utilize GitHub's #gh-light/dark-mode-only, to switch between logos op...
This release fixes a sync error with Black linting in pipelines. Patch release to fix black linting...
Continuous integration GitHub Actions CI workflows are now included in the template pipeline Please...
This is a patch release fixing some nasty bugs that crept into the code base for the nf-core helper ...
PyPI package description The readme should now be rendered properly on PyPI. Tools helper code Th...
This release started off as a patch release to fix some errors introduced in 2.3 (eg. pipeline email...
When we do releases, we sometimes like to go big. This is one of those times. This is a truly huge r...
Syncing Code refactoring to make the script more readable No travis build failure anymore on sync e...
Very minor patch release to fix the full size AWS tests and re-run the template sync, which partiall...
v2.0 - Palladium Platypus - [2021-07-13] :warning: Major enhancements & breaking changes This marks ...