Makes use of suggested packages conditional on their presence. Makes testing conditional on the availability of xpectr. Makes tests compatible with the upcoming release of purrr v1. (#1) Fixes tidyselect-related warnings
Commits d1a8a7e: Detect new labels on PRs. (Troels Henriksen)If you use this software, please cite ...
This is an early release of slimr which is still in an experimental stage. Not ready for production,...
This is a minor release of xprec, which improves two things: There are now tests against mpmath, wh...
Makes testing conditional on the availability of xpectr. Fixes tidyselect-related warnings
This release is for activating Zenodo only. There is no difference from the previous release
Regenerates documentation to fix html5 problem. Imports R6 to resolve note in R CMD check
fixes for compatibility with tidyselect and prep for purrr 1.0.0 (PR #26 @hadley). breaking change -...
New features New function .get_package_dependencies() listing all dependencies, including minimum v...
Like h5fortran, nc4fortran ierr parameters is now optional. If an error occurs and ierr is not prese...
Going forward, orix will have release candidates so that dependencies can be checked in advance of a...
Known issues: version 0.2.3 fix and skip d...
first stable release. Intended for submission to CRAN. From this point on, backward compatibility w...
The replication package for the WarningsGuru including a "release" from the GitHub repo of the Warni...
Hotfix to suppress warnings in tests created by change in sample() behaviour in upcoming R 3.6.
This is the supplementary package for the paper entitled "Black-Box and White-Box Test Case Generati...
Commits d1a8a7e: Detect new labels on PRs. (Troels Henriksen)If you use this software, please cite ...
This is an early release of slimr which is still in an experimental stage. Not ready for production,...
This is a minor release of xprec, which improves two things: There are now tests against mpmath, wh...
Makes testing conditional on the availability of xpectr. Fixes tidyselect-related warnings
This release is for activating Zenodo only. There is no difference from the previous release
Regenerates documentation to fix html5 problem. Imports R6 to resolve note in R CMD check
fixes for compatibility with tidyselect and prep for purrr 1.0.0 (PR #26 @hadley). breaking change -...
New features New function .get_package_dependencies() listing all dependencies, including minimum v...
Like h5fortran, nc4fortran ierr parameters is now optional. If an error occurs and ierr is not prese...
Going forward, orix will have release candidates so that dependencies can be checked in advance of a...
Known issues: version 0.2.3 fix and skip d...
first stable release. Intended for submission to CRAN. From this point on, backward compatibility w...
The replication package for the WarningsGuru including a "release" from the GitHub repo of the Warni...
Hotfix to suppress warnings in tests created by change in sample() behaviour in upcoming R 3.6.
This is the supplementary package for the paper entitled "Black-Box and White-Box Test Case Generati...
Commits d1a8a7e: Detect new labels on PRs. (Troels Henriksen)If you use this software, please cite ...
This is an early release of slimr which is still in an experimental stage. Not ready for production,...
This is a minor release of xprec, which improves two things: There are now tests against mpmath, wh...