229. Sahel Duiker Sylvicapra pallidior French: Céphalophe du Sahel / German: Sahel-Kronenducker / Spanish: Duiker del Sahel Other common names: Chad Crowned Duiker Taxonomy. Sylvicapra grimmia pallidior Schwarz, 1914, Mani, Lower Shari River. Formerly included as a subspecies of S. grimmia, but is considered to be a separate species here. Scientific literature often combines reports of S. pallidior with the neighboring S. grimmia campbelliae to the immediate south. Monotypic. Distribution. S Chad, N Central African Republic, C Sudan, and W Ethiopia. Further research may indicate a range extension west of Lake Chad. Descriptive notes. No specific measurements available. Size is similar to small subspecies of the Bush Duik...