Open Access Repositories as an accelerator for open journal systems and enhancer for the SA-SDGs HUB: South African Perspective

  • Matizirofa, Gallant Lazarus
  • Selematsela, Daisy
Publication date
June 2023


OA repository development in South Africa is driven by the CHELSA since 2003. A national Electronic Theses and Dissertation platform was developed to assist with the challenges experienced by academic libraries, i.e. requisite skills and inadequate infrastructures. South Africa Open Access adoption among universities is progressing, while the government funding agency (NRF) released an open access statement (2015) that required funded researchers to deposit their articles into an OA repository with a 12 months embargo period. But in the absence of OA monitoring indicators and implementation, academic libraries through their institutional support have championed and implemented their OA policies while there is no national repository portal. ...

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