FIGURE 3. Skeletal architecture and spicule complement of Suberites cranium sp. nov. (A–E) and Tethya melinka sp. nov. (F– P). S. cranium sp. nov.: A, skeletal architecture on transverse view (MNRJ 8944, paratype)—insert, ectosomal brushes of tylostyles-I. B–E, IZUA-POR 140 (holotype); B, tylostyles-I (ectosomal); C, heads of tylostyles-I in detail; D, tylostyle-II (choanosomal); E, heads of tylostyles-II in detail. T. melinka sp. nov. (IZUA-POR 141, holotype): F, ectosomal and subectosomal skeletal architecture on transverse view; G, deeper choanosomal mesohyle with apparent larger strongylasters; H, strongyloxea; I, strongyloxea in detail; J, spheraster; K, oxyaster-like precursor of megasters; L, larger strongylaster; M–O, intermediary s...
FIGURE 6. Cliona flavifodina Rützler, 1974: A. Cross section of skeletal arrangement. B. Common tylo...
FIGURE 3. Trichogypsia alaskensis n. sp.: (A) the two fragments of the holotype. The left fragment s...
FIGURE 3. Ground and polished histological sections of the holotype of Cliona acephala n. sp. (A) po...
FIGURE 5. Skeletal architecture and spicule complement of Haliclona (Reniera) caduca sp. nov. (A–B, ...
FIGURE 4. Spicule complement of Suberites puncturatus Thiele, 1905 (A, holotype, ZMB 3275), S. ruber...
FIGURE 2. In situ photographs of Suberites cranium sp. nov. (A, IZUA-POR 140, paratype), Tethya meli...
FIGURE 6. In situ photographs of Latrunculia ciruela sp. nov. (A, IZUA-POR 145, holotype), Latruncul...
FIGURE 3. Skeletal and overall anatomy of T. leysae sp. nov. (resin slice preparation of the holotyp...
FIGURE 3. Callyspongia fusifera: (A) the holotype in life; (B) Ectosome; (C) Choanosome; (D) Oxeas; ...
FIG. 1. — Tethya ornata; A, holotype; B, strongyloxeas; C, the superficial layer of tylasters; D, th...
FIGURE 3. Poecillastra tavianii n. sp., SEM images of spicules: (A) Dichotriaenes; (B) Pseudocalthro...
FIGURE 2. Chalinula chelysa sp. nov. A, holotype alive (MNRJ 11272); B, paratype alive (MNRJ 12080);...
FIGURE 3. Abyssocladia kanaconi sp. nov. A—Holotype. B—Paratype 2, dry. C—Paratype 1. D—Thin section...
FIGURE 3. External and internal morphology of Clathrina fjordica sp. nov.; A—Fixed specimen; B—Detai...
FIGURE 3. Patagonia Cercicladia australis gen. nov. sp. nov.: A–L ex situ images of paratypes and ot...
FIGURE 6. Cliona flavifodina Rützler, 1974: A. Cross section of skeletal arrangement. B. Common tylo...
FIGURE 3. Trichogypsia alaskensis n. sp.: (A) the two fragments of the holotype. The left fragment s...
FIGURE 3. Ground and polished histological sections of the holotype of Cliona acephala n. sp. (A) po...
FIGURE 5. Skeletal architecture and spicule complement of Haliclona (Reniera) caduca sp. nov. (A–B, ...
FIGURE 4. Spicule complement of Suberites puncturatus Thiele, 1905 (A, holotype, ZMB 3275), S. ruber...
FIGURE 2. In situ photographs of Suberites cranium sp. nov. (A, IZUA-POR 140, paratype), Tethya meli...
FIGURE 6. In situ photographs of Latrunculia ciruela sp. nov. (A, IZUA-POR 145, holotype), Latruncul...
FIGURE 3. Skeletal and overall anatomy of T. leysae sp. nov. (resin slice preparation of the holotyp...
FIGURE 3. Callyspongia fusifera: (A) the holotype in life; (B) Ectosome; (C) Choanosome; (D) Oxeas; ...
FIG. 1. — Tethya ornata; A, holotype; B, strongyloxeas; C, the superficial layer of tylasters; D, th...
FIGURE 3. Poecillastra tavianii n. sp., SEM images of spicules: (A) Dichotriaenes; (B) Pseudocalthro...
FIGURE 2. Chalinula chelysa sp. nov. A, holotype alive (MNRJ 11272); B, paratype alive (MNRJ 12080);...
FIGURE 3. Abyssocladia kanaconi sp. nov. A—Holotype. B—Paratype 2, dry. C—Paratype 1. D—Thin section...
FIGURE 3. External and internal morphology of Clathrina fjordica sp. nov.; A—Fixed specimen; B—Detai...
FIGURE 3. Patagonia Cercicladia australis gen. nov. sp. nov.: A–L ex situ images of paratypes and ot...
FIGURE 6. Cliona flavifodina Rützler, 1974: A. Cross section of skeletal arrangement. B. Common tylo...
FIGURE 3. Trichogypsia alaskensis n. sp.: (A) the two fragments of the holotype. The left fragment s...
FIGURE 3. Ground and polished histological sections of the holotype of Cliona acephala n. sp. (A) po...