Pseudapis kuhlmanni Pauly & Monks & Polaszek 2023, sp. nov.

  • Pauly, Alain
  • Monks, Joseph
  • Polaszek, Andrew
Publication date
April 2023


Pseudapis kuhlmanni Pauly & Monks sp. nov. (Figs 2–6). Description. Male. Length 7–8 mm. Colour: body black; mandibles, undersides of antennae, tibiae and sterna brown; apical lobe of hind tibiae, tarsi (except last segment of middle legs and tarsi of hind legs) ivory white; tegulae white with a black central spot. Pubescence white, slightly ochraceous (Figs 2, 3A). Lower part of face, frons and part of vertex covered with filamentous pubescence (Fig. 3B); anterior and posterior edge of mesoscutum, anterior edge of scutellum and metanotum with short scaly pubescence (Fig. 3C); base and latero-apical parts of the first tergum (Fig. 3E), base and apical margin of subsequent terga with tomentose bands (Fig. 3F). Lower surface of the pos...

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