Jhumpa Lahiri's novel Namesake follows the life of an American born to Indian immigrant parents. The conflict begins with the name "Gogol," which was inspired by an author who was a favorite of the immigrant Indian Father. While the story progresses through the subtle tenacious attitude of Ashima, Gogol's mother, who refuses to let go of her Indian influence by continuing to read Indian languages until the day Gogol begins to identify as an Indian. Jhumpa Lahiri depicts the life of a first generation Indian immigrant family and the difficulties they confront as immigrants establishing in a strange country while living with memories of their birthplace. The work reeks of cultural shock, alienation experienced by those who leave their birthpl...
Abstract—The present paper attempts to indicate the way through which Lahiri investigates the issue ...
Diaspora writers have their roots in the sense of excretion and isolation, which emerged because of ...
<h3 data-fontsize="17" data-lineheight="23">Abstract</h3> <p>This paper attempts t...
This paper is an attempt to read Jhumpa Lahiri's The Namesake in the light of Stuart Hall's essay on...
peer reviewedWhile Jhumpa Lahiri’s work might be thought of as one of the most emblematic instances ...
In Jhumpa Lahiri’s debut novel The Namesake, a certain amount of angst can be traced. This angst wor...
This paper is an exploring tour through Jhumpa Lahiri’s novel The Namesake to expose the tug of war ...
Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake is about characters that are in search of their individuality which dwe...
The proposed research article is an attempt to make an analysis of the causes of cultural dissonance...
In the recent times globalization has created a new trend in migration and almost deleted from our t...
Immigration is a crucial thing that cannot be enjoyed wholeheartedly by foreigner especially Indian ...
peer reviewedIn The Namesake, Jhumpa Lahiri narrates the tortuous route from childhood to early adul...
This article, The Namesake: An Exploration of Family Values and Alienation, aims to analyze how Ashi...
As a writer of Indian diaspora in America, Jhumpa Lahiri explores the themes like dislocation, displ...
In the fast globalizing world in which the boundaries are becoming redundant, it is expected to be c...
Abstract—The present paper attempts to indicate the way through which Lahiri investigates the issue ...
Diaspora writers have their roots in the sense of excretion and isolation, which emerged because of ...
<h3 data-fontsize="17" data-lineheight="23">Abstract</h3> <p>This paper attempts t...
This paper is an attempt to read Jhumpa Lahiri's The Namesake in the light of Stuart Hall's essay on...
peer reviewedWhile Jhumpa Lahiri’s work might be thought of as one of the most emblematic instances ...
In Jhumpa Lahiri’s debut novel The Namesake, a certain amount of angst can be traced. This angst wor...
This paper is an exploring tour through Jhumpa Lahiri’s novel The Namesake to expose the tug of war ...
Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake is about characters that are in search of their individuality which dwe...
The proposed research article is an attempt to make an analysis of the causes of cultural dissonance...
In the recent times globalization has created a new trend in migration and almost deleted from our t...
Immigration is a crucial thing that cannot be enjoyed wholeheartedly by foreigner especially Indian ...
peer reviewedIn The Namesake, Jhumpa Lahiri narrates the tortuous route from childhood to early adul...
This article, The Namesake: An Exploration of Family Values and Alienation, aims to analyze how Ashi...
As a writer of Indian diaspora in America, Jhumpa Lahiri explores the themes like dislocation, displ...
In the fast globalizing world in which the boundaries are becoming redundant, it is expected to be c...
Abstract—The present paper attempts to indicate the way through which Lahiri investigates the issue ...
Diaspora writers have their roots in the sense of excretion and isolation, which emerged because of ...
<h3 data-fontsize="17" data-lineheight="23">Abstract</h3> <p>This paper attempts t...