Genus Endolobus Meek & Worthen, 1865 Type species Nautilus (Endolobus) peramplus Meek & Worthen, 1865 (= Nautilus spectabilis Meek & Worthen, 1860); original designation. Diagnosis Genus of the family Trigonoceratidae with usually pachyconic, subinvolute or evolute conch; whorls usually slightly impressed, whorl profile compressed with broadly rounded or slightly flattened venter and rounded umbilical margin. Conch very rapidly increasing in height with a high coiling rate (WER usually higher than 2.50). Sculpture with broad, rounded nodes on the flanks. Septa without inflexions, moderately concave. Suture line nearly straight with very shallow external lobe and usually with an internal lobe; some species with an annular lobe. Siphun...