Data quality assurance at research data repositories: Survey data

  • Kindling, Maxi
  • Strecker, Dorothea
  • Wang, Yi
Publication date
April 2022


This dataset documents findings form a survey on the status quo of data quality assurance practices at research data repositories. The personalized online survey was conducted among repositories indexed in re3data in 2021. It covered the scope of the repository, types of data quality assessment, quality criteria, responsibilities, details of the review process, and data quality information, and yielded 332 complete responses. The dataset comprises a documentation file, the data file, a codebook, and the survey instrument. The documentation file (documentation.pdf) outlines details of the survey design and administration, survey response, and data processing. The data file (01_survey_data.csv) contains all 332 complete responses to 19 sur...

Extracted data

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