Organizing The Granting Of Legal Aid To Citizens Is An Effort To Fulfill As Well As An Implementation Of The Rule Of Law Which Recognizes And Protects And Guarantees The Rights Of Citizens Of The Need For Access To Justice And Equality Before The Law. The Guarantee Of Constitutional Rights Has Not Received Adequate Attention, So The Formation Of The Law On Legal Aid Is The Basis For The State To Guarantee Citizens, Especially For Poor People Or Groups To Get Access To Justice And Equality Before The Law. Even Though A Citizen (Can Be An Indonesian Citizen Or A Foreign National (In This Case A Soldier / Pns Tni And His Family)) Has Committed A Disgraceful Act (In This Case A Criminal Act), His Rights As Citizens Are Not Erased Or Lost. So Th...
Legal Aid as an important part in providing access to justice become a very popular topic. This is n...
Based on act no 31 years 1997 about military article 216 verse (1) army can get legal assistance com...
Justice is basically everyone's expectations. Justice also affects each individual order. However,in...
Realizing constitutional rights (equality before the law) and access to justice (access to law and j...
Constitution of Republic Indonesia is consisted that every people have the rights for recognition, g...
The legal system in Indonesia is devided into four jurisdictions, namely the general court (civil),...
Legal aid exists to provide protection for people or groups of poor people. The state through the Mi...
Legal assistance is an assistance given by an expertise in law area or legal advisors to those who h...
Legal aid is an effort to fulfill the human rights, especially of the poorest groups of the society....
By the issuance of TAP MPR Number VII/ MPR / 2000 and Act Number 34 of 2004, particularly provisions...
Indonesia is a nation based on the rule of law (State of Law) in accordance with Article 1 paragraph...
Abstract Legal aid is present to provide protection against any person or group of poor people. Stat...
The current problem of poverty in Indonesia is closely related to the law enforcement process so tha...
Indonesia is a state of law. This is in line with the provisions of Article 1 paragraph (3) of the 1...
Legal aid should be aimed at justice, so its implementation must focus on the rights of justice seek...
Legal Aid as an important part in providing access to justice become a very popular topic. This is n...
Based on act no 31 years 1997 about military article 216 verse (1) army can get legal assistance com...
Justice is basically everyone's expectations. Justice also affects each individual order. However,in...
Realizing constitutional rights (equality before the law) and access to justice (access to law and j...
Constitution of Republic Indonesia is consisted that every people have the rights for recognition, g...
The legal system in Indonesia is devided into four jurisdictions, namely the general court (civil),...
Legal aid exists to provide protection for people or groups of poor people. The state through the Mi...
Legal assistance is an assistance given by an expertise in law area or legal advisors to those who h...
Legal aid is an effort to fulfill the human rights, especially of the poorest groups of the society....
By the issuance of TAP MPR Number VII/ MPR / 2000 and Act Number 34 of 2004, particularly provisions...
Indonesia is a nation based on the rule of law (State of Law) in accordance with Article 1 paragraph...
Abstract Legal aid is present to provide protection against any person or group of poor people. Stat...
The current problem of poverty in Indonesia is closely related to the law enforcement process so tha...
Indonesia is a state of law. This is in line with the provisions of Article 1 paragraph (3) of the 1...
Legal aid should be aimed at justice, so its implementation must focus on the rights of justice seek...
Legal Aid as an important part in providing access to justice become a very popular topic. This is n...
Based on act no 31 years 1997 about military article 216 verse (1) army can get legal assistance com...
Justice is basically everyone's expectations. Justice also affects each individual order. However,in...