Cheilosia (s. str.) lamproptera Barkalov & Ståhls sp. n. (Figs 1 E–G) Type material. HOLOTYPE. ♀, China, Yunnan Province, Gongga Shan, 40 km NW Dulong, 27.984 °N 98.324 °E, 1700 m above sea level, 8.06. 2009, leg. Blank, Liston & Taeger. 0 22 China, DNA voucher specimen MZH _ Y 1918, in MZH. Diagnosis. The presence of a character combination unusual for species of Cheilosia, the absence of microtrichia on wing cells M and CuA, a densely haired face and mostly yellow legs, facilitates the distinction of the new species from all other members of the genus Cheilosia. Description. FEMALE. Body length 8.7 mm, wing length 8.5 mm. Head. Face comparatively narrow, black, shiny, with stripes of fine grey dusting, completely covered ...