159. Hatunh Langur Trachypithecus hatinhensis French: Langur du Ha Tinh / German: Hatinh-Langur / Spanish: Langur de Hatinh Other common names: Indochinese/Stripe-headed Black Langur Taxonomy. Presbytis francoisi hatinhensis Dao Van Tien, 1970, Xom Cuc (17° 56’ N, 105° 47° E) Ha Tinh Province (now in the Tuyen Hoa District, Quang Binh Province), Vietnam. In the past, T. hatinhensis was placed as a subspecies of 1. francoisi or T. laotum. The taxonomic relationship to 7. ebenus and to another possibly distinct black langur in Laos is not fully clarified. 1. hatinhensis is a member of the francoisi species group, also known as the karst or limestone langurs. Monotypic. Distribution. NC Vietnam (Quang Binh and Quang Tri provin...