Elezi Abdulla, Beqa Gentiana, Elezi Gresa. Comparison of some morphological parameters during the adolescence stage. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2019;9(8):962-976. eISNN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3408569 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/7439 The journal has had 5 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. § 8. 2) and § 12. 1. 2) 22.02.2019. © The Authors 2019; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distr...
Background: An aspect that influences sport performance is maturation status, since, within the same...
RZADKOWSKI, Kamil and MROZKOWIAK, Mirosław. Environmental dimorphism of the frequency of significant...
Mrozkowiak Mirosław. An attempt to identify significant correlations between parameters of body trun...
Elezi Abdulla, Beqa Gentiana, Elezi Gresa. Comparison of some morphological parameters during the ad...
Domaradzki Jarosław, Chmielewski Sebastian, Koźlenia Dawid. Morphological similarities and differenc...
Mrozkowiak Mirosław. Sexual and environmental dimorphism, the frequency of significant relationships...
Kholodov Serhii. Indicators of morphological status of 6–8 year-old сhildren. Journal of Education, ...
Polska Akademia Nauk: Zakład Antropologii we WrocławiuCelem badań była ocena jakościowa i ilościowa ...
Hadlich R. Sexual dimorphism of the frequency of significant correlations between selected character...
RZADKOWSKI, Kamil and MROZKOWIAK, Mirosław. Sexual and environmental dimorphism of the frequency of ...
Measuring of morphological characteristics and motor abilities was performed on the sample of 51 mal...
Salihu Hazir, Koca Afrim, Miftari Florian, Arifi Fitim. Stature and Its Estimation Utilizing Arm Spa...
This paper aims to obtain new and relevant insights into the significant differen-ces in morpholog...
Mrozkowiak Mirosław. Environmental dimorphism of the incidence of significant correlations between f...
Tretiak Dmytro, Ivanyshyn Iryna, Protsyshyn Natalia. Morphobiomechanical peculiarities of football p...
Background: An aspect that influences sport performance is maturation status, since, within the same...
RZADKOWSKI, Kamil and MROZKOWIAK, Mirosław. Environmental dimorphism of the frequency of significant...
Mrozkowiak Mirosław. An attempt to identify significant correlations between parameters of body trun...
Elezi Abdulla, Beqa Gentiana, Elezi Gresa. Comparison of some morphological parameters during the ad...
Domaradzki Jarosław, Chmielewski Sebastian, Koźlenia Dawid. Morphological similarities and differenc...
Mrozkowiak Mirosław. Sexual and environmental dimorphism, the frequency of significant relationships...
Kholodov Serhii. Indicators of morphological status of 6–8 year-old сhildren. Journal of Education, ...
Polska Akademia Nauk: Zakład Antropologii we WrocławiuCelem badań była ocena jakościowa i ilościowa ...
Hadlich R. Sexual dimorphism of the frequency of significant correlations between selected character...
RZADKOWSKI, Kamil and MROZKOWIAK, Mirosław. Sexual and environmental dimorphism of the frequency of ...
Measuring of morphological characteristics and motor abilities was performed on the sample of 51 mal...
Salihu Hazir, Koca Afrim, Miftari Florian, Arifi Fitim. Stature and Its Estimation Utilizing Arm Spa...
This paper aims to obtain new and relevant insights into the significant differen-ces in morpholog...
Mrozkowiak Mirosław. Environmental dimorphism of the incidence of significant correlations between f...
Tretiak Dmytro, Ivanyshyn Iryna, Protsyshyn Natalia. Morphobiomechanical peculiarities of football p...
Background: An aspect that influences sport performance is maturation status, since, within the same...
RZADKOWSKI, Kamil and MROZKOWIAK, Mirosław. Environmental dimorphism of the frequency of significant...
Mrozkowiak Mirosław. An attempt to identify significant correlations between parameters of body trun...