Kobus kob (Erxleben, 1777). Syst. Regni Anim., 1:293. TYPE LOCALITY: Upper Guinea, towards Senegal. DISTRIBUTION: Senegal to W Ethiopia and Sudan; south to N Zaire, Uganda, W Kenya and NW Tanzania. Now extinct in Tanzania. SYNONYMS: adansoni, adenota, adolfi; adolfifriderici Schwarz, 1913; alurae, annulipes, bahrkeetae, buffonii, forfex, fraseri, kul, leucotis, loderi, neumanni, nigricans, nigroscapulatus; notatus Rothschild, 1913; pousarguesi, riparia, thomasi, ubangiensis, vaughani.Published as part of Peter Grubb, 1993, Order Artiodactyla, pp. 377-414 in Mammal Species of the World (2 nd Edition), Washington and London :Smithsonian Institution Press on page 414, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.735918