Fig. 9. — Hilsenbergia darcyana J.S. Mill.: A, flowering branch; B, whole flower with urceolate corolla; C, flower with open corolla showing androecium and gynoecium; D, lateral view of fruit with persistent calyx; E, basal view of fruit with persistent calyx; F, dorsal view of pyrene. A-C, Herb. Jard. Botanique 5404; D-E, Service Forestier: SF11930bis. Drawn by A. JOUY.Published as part of Miller, James S., 2003, Classification of Boraginaceae subfam. Ehretioideae: Resurrection of the genus Hilsenbergia Tausch ex Meisn., pp. 151-189 in Adansonia (3) 25 (2) on page 172, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.518101
Fig. 9. – Flowers and fruit of the Malagasy Homalium sect. Antinisa Warb. (A-C) and H. sect. Nisa (N...
Fig. 4. Echiostachys incanus. Western Cape, Elim, Anon s.n. SAM 18647 (SAM). A, whole plant; B, deta...
Fig. 2. Echiostachys ecklonianus. Western Cape, Elgin Basin, Arieskraal Farm, Rode 0449 (NBG). A, wh...
Fig. 13. — Hilsenbergia lowryana J.S. Mill.: A, flowering branch; B, whole flower; C, flower with op...
Fig. 12. — Hilsenbergia leslieae J.S. Mill.: A, flowering branch; B, whole flower; C, open corolla w...
Fig. 5. — Hilsenbergia capuronii J.S. Mill.: A, flowering branch; B, whole flower attached to a piec...
Fig. 4. — Hilsenbergia bosseri J.S. Mill.: A, flowering branch; B, close-up of leaf showing detailed...
Fig. 15. — Hilsenbergia moratiana J.S. Mill.: A, flowering branch; B, whole flower; C, open flower s...
Fig. 16. — Hilsenbergia randrianasoloana J.S. Mill.: A, fruiting branch; B, lateral view of whole fr...
Miller, James S. (2003): Classification of Boraginaceae subfam. Ehretioideae: Resurrection of the ge...
Fig. 11. — Distributions of Hilsenbergia species, mapped on the simplified bioclimate zones of Madag...
Fig. 2. — Distributions of Hilsenbergia species, mapped on the simplified bioclimate zones of Madaga...
Le genre Hilsenbergia (Boraginaceae : Ehretioideae) est réhabilité pour un groupe d\u27espèces d\u27...
Fig. 6. — Ehretia meyersii J.S. Mill.: A, fruiting branch; B, flowering branch; C, flower. A-C, from...
Fig 8. — Ehretia seyrigii J.S. Mill.: A, fruiting branch; B, mature fruit; C, fruit with exocarp rem...
Fig. 9. – Flowers and fruit of the Malagasy Homalium sect. Antinisa Warb. (A-C) and H. sect. Nisa (N...
Fig. 4. Echiostachys incanus. Western Cape, Elim, Anon s.n. SAM 18647 (SAM). A, whole plant; B, deta...
Fig. 2. Echiostachys ecklonianus. Western Cape, Elgin Basin, Arieskraal Farm, Rode 0449 (NBG). A, wh...
Fig. 13. — Hilsenbergia lowryana J.S. Mill.: A, flowering branch; B, whole flower; C, flower with op...
Fig. 12. — Hilsenbergia leslieae J.S. Mill.: A, flowering branch; B, whole flower; C, open corolla w...
Fig. 5. — Hilsenbergia capuronii J.S. Mill.: A, flowering branch; B, whole flower attached to a piec...
Fig. 4. — Hilsenbergia bosseri J.S. Mill.: A, flowering branch; B, close-up of leaf showing detailed...
Fig. 15. — Hilsenbergia moratiana J.S. Mill.: A, flowering branch; B, whole flower; C, open flower s...
Fig. 16. — Hilsenbergia randrianasoloana J.S. Mill.: A, fruiting branch; B, lateral view of whole fr...
Miller, James S. (2003): Classification of Boraginaceae subfam. Ehretioideae: Resurrection of the ge...
Fig. 11. — Distributions of Hilsenbergia species, mapped on the simplified bioclimate zones of Madag...
Fig. 2. — Distributions of Hilsenbergia species, mapped on the simplified bioclimate zones of Madaga...
Le genre Hilsenbergia (Boraginaceae : Ehretioideae) est réhabilité pour un groupe d\u27espèces d\u27...
Fig. 6. — Ehretia meyersii J.S. Mill.: A, fruiting branch; B, flowering branch; C, flower. A-C, from...
Fig 8. — Ehretia seyrigii J.S. Mill.: A, fruiting branch; B, mature fruit; C, fruit with exocarp rem...
Fig. 9. – Flowers and fruit of the Malagasy Homalium sect. Antinisa Warb. (A-C) and H. sect. Nisa (N...
Fig. 4. Echiostachys incanus. Western Cape, Elim, Anon s.n. SAM 18647 (SAM). A, whole plant; B, deta...
Fig. 2. Echiostachys ecklonianus. Western Cape, Elgin Basin, Arieskraal Farm, Rode 0449 (NBG). A, wh...