Integration with zenodo to generate a doi and citation that will update automatically with each subsequent release
deploy2zenodo is a shell script to deploy your data to zenodo. You can use it in a CI pipeline as an...
This release does not update the code - it simply serves to make the code citable via Zenodo
Extends the documentation with a more appropriate example Removes outdated code Make artifact availa...
Want to add a citation file... which needs some kind of permanent identifier like a DOI... but Zenod...
The release notes for this release are available here:
Source code to be published on Zenodo prior to the associated manuscript's publication in Genome Bio...
Using Zenodo to create archives that are citable. Zenodo is stored safely in CERN's Data Center and...
Releasing project to generate a DOI on zenodoIf you use this software, please cite it as below
By creating this release, the Zenodo GitHub integration will be able to import the files from this G...
By creating this release, the Zenodo GitHub integration will be able to import the files from this G...
We need to re-release in order to trigger Zenodo. We've also updated our documentation with ReadTheD...
Zenodo citation added. Minor build system fixes.If you use this software, please cite it as below
Release with Zenodo InformationPlease use the following metadata when citing this software. Generate...
To make this repository easier to reference in academic literature, we created a persistent identifi...
Public release of the data for the manuscript. Connects with Zenodo for generation of a DOI
deploy2zenodo is a shell script to deploy your data to zenodo. You can use it in a CI pipeline as an...
This release does not update the code - it simply serves to make the code citable via Zenodo
Extends the documentation with a more appropriate example Removes outdated code Make artifact availa...
Want to add a citation file... which needs some kind of permanent identifier like a DOI... but Zenod...
The release notes for this release are available here:
Source code to be published on Zenodo prior to the associated manuscript's publication in Genome Bio...
Using Zenodo to create archives that are citable. Zenodo is stored safely in CERN's Data Center and...
Releasing project to generate a DOI on zenodoIf you use this software, please cite it as below
By creating this release, the Zenodo GitHub integration will be able to import the files from this G...
By creating this release, the Zenodo GitHub integration will be able to import the files from this G...
We need to re-release in order to trigger Zenodo. We've also updated our documentation with ReadTheD...
Zenodo citation added. Minor build system fixes.If you use this software, please cite it as below
Release with Zenodo InformationPlease use the following metadata when citing this software. Generate...
To make this repository easier to reference in academic literature, we created a persistent identifi...
Public release of the data for the manuscript. Connects with Zenodo for generation of a DOI
deploy2zenodo is a shell script to deploy your data to zenodo. You can use it in a CI pipeline as an...
This release does not update the code - it simply serves to make the code citable via Zenodo
Extends the documentation with a more appropriate example Removes outdated code Make artifact availa...