Figure 7. Sacra of Megalosaurus bucklandii from the Taynton Limestone Formation of Stonesfield, Oxfordshire (A–N) and the Chipping Norton Limestone Formation of New Park Quarry (O–Q) in left lateral (A, B, K–M, O), posterior (C, D), right lateral (E, F, P), anterior (G, H) and ventral (I, J, N, Q) views. A–I, OUMNH J.13576; J–L, BMNH 28957/R1098; M, N, BMNH R700; O–Q, SDM 1944.4. In line drawings (B, D, F, H, L), light grey tone indicates restored surface and dark grey tone indicates broken bone surface. fen, fenestra between neural arches; for, foramen; ivf, intervertebral foramen; nc, neural canal; ns, neural spine; poz, postzygapophysis; prez, prezygapophysis; sr1–5, first to fifth sacral rib articulations; trp, transverse process; 1–5, ...
FIGURE 1. Tooth-bearing bones of Duriavenator hesperis (NHM R332) in lateral (A, J, F–G, M, P–Q), an...
FIGURE 7. Right humerus of Rhomaleopakhus turpanensis gen. et sp. nov. (IVPP V11121-1; holotype). A,...
Figure 26. Biogeographic distribution of Jurassic tyrannosauroids. 1, Proceratosaurus bradleyi, Grea...
Figure 6. Presacral vertebrae of Megalosaurus from the Chipping Norton Limestone Formation of New Pa...
Figure 11. Pectoral girdle elements of Megalosaurus bucklandii from the Taynton Limestone Formation ...
Figure 17. Left tibia (BMNH 31809) of Megalosaurus bucklandii from the Taynton Limestone Formation o...
Figure 14. Left ilium (BMNH R1100) from the Taynton Limestone Formation of Stonesfield, Oxfordshire ...
Figure 2. Left maxillae of Megalosaurus bucklandii from the Taynton Limestone Formation of Stonesfie...
Figure 3. Right jugal (BMNH 31828) from the Taynton Limestone Formation of Stonesfield, Oxfordshire ...
Figure 5. Posterior fragment of a right mandible (OUMNH J.29813) from the Taynton Limestone Formatio...
FIGURE 7. Cervical and dorsal vertebrae of Turnersuchus hingleyae gen. et sp. nov. (LYMPH 2021/45). ...
Figure 19. Theropod bones showing features discussed in the text. A, BYU 5110, right quadrate of Tor...
FIGURE 7. Dorsal ribs (ML1190) of Baryonyx walkeri Charig & Milner, 1986 in proximal (A), anterior (...
Figure 7. Iguanodon (= Hypselospinus) fittoni. Holotype NHMUK R1635. Partial sacrum. A, dorsal; B, l...
Figure 7 Middle trunk vertebrae of the BR-262 specimens. CPPLIP-103 in (A) left lateral; (B) anterio...
FIGURE 1. Tooth-bearing bones of Duriavenator hesperis (NHM R332) in lateral (A, J, F–G, M, P–Q), an...
FIGURE 7. Right humerus of Rhomaleopakhus turpanensis gen. et sp. nov. (IVPP V11121-1; holotype). A,...
Figure 26. Biogeographic distribution of Jurassic tyrannosauroids. 1, Proceratosaurus bradleyi, Grea...
Figure 6. Presacral vertebrae of Megalosaurus from the Chipping Norton Limestone Formation of New Pa...
Figure 11. Pectoral girdle elements of Megalosaurus bucklandii from the Taynton Limestone Formation ...
Figure 17. Left tibia (BMNH 31809) of Megalosaurus bucklandii from the Taynton Limestone Formation o...
Figure 14. Left ilium (BMNH R1100) from the Taynton Limestone Formation of Stonesfield, Oxfordshire ...
Figure 2. Left maxillae of Megalosaurus bucklandii from the Taynton Limestone Formation of Stonesfie...
Figure 3. Right jugal (BMNH 31828) from the Taynton Limestone Formation of Stonesfield, Oxfordshire ...
Figure 5. Posterior fragment of a right mandible (OUMNH J.29813) from the Taynton Limestone Formatio...
FIGURE 7. Cervical and dorsal vertebrae of Turnersuchus hingleyae gen. et sp. nov. (LYMPH 2021/45). ...
Figure 19. Theropod bones showing features discussed in the text. A, BYU 5110, right quadrate of Tor...
FIGURE 7. Dorsal ribs (ML1190) of Baryonyx walkeri Charig & Milner, 1986 in proximal (A), anterior (...
Figure 7. Iguanodon (= Hypselospinus) fittoni. Holotype NHMUK R1635. Partial sacrum. A, dorsal; B, l...
Figure 7 Middle trunk vertebrae of the BR-262 specimens. CPPLIP-103 in (A) left lateral; (B) anterio...
FIGURE 1. Tooth-bearing bones of Duriavenator hesperis (NHM R332) in lateral (A, J, F–G, M, P–Q), an...
FIGURE 7. Right humerus of Rhomaleopakhus turpanensis gen. et sp. nov. (IVPP V11121-1; holotype). A,...
Figure 26. Biogeographic distribution of Jurassic tyrannosauroids. 1, Proceratosaurus bradleyi, Grea...