This data collection contains discovered diachronic Word Usage Graphs (WUGs) for German. Find a description of the data format, code to process the data and further datasets on the WUGsite. Note: The date given for each word use does not correspond to the exact date of the document from which the use was sampled but only to the midpoint of the respective time period (1800-1899, 1946-1990), as the exact date was not available in the SemEval corpora. Please find more information on the provided data in the paper referenced below. Version: 1.1.1, 30.11.2022. Assigns noise uses the cluster label '-1' instead of removing them. Reference Sinan Kurtyigit, Maike Park, Dominik Schlechtweg, Jonas Kuhn, Sabine Schulte im Walde. 2021. Lexical ...