FIGURE 4. Micronephthys longicornis (Perejaslavtseva, 1891). A, D, G, J – chaetae drawings (after Perejaslavtseva); B, C, E, F, H, I, K, L—chaetae SEM photos. A, B. Dentate chaetae of C1; C. Dentate and capillary chaetae of C1; D–F. Lyrate chaetae; G–I. Barred postacicular chaetae; J–L. Chaetae with small spines scattered along one side. Abbreviations: c—capillary chaeta, d—dentate chaeta. Specimens from BS-ML-1 (B, H, L), specimens from Ashamba-2017-4-44-2 (C–E, I, K). Scale bars: B, E, F, H, I, K, L—0,003 mm, C—0,01mm.Published as part of Dnestrovskaya, Nataliya Yu. & Jirkov, Igor A., 2019, Redescription of Micronephthys longicornis (Perejaslavtseva, 1891) (Annelida: Nephtyidae), pp. 391-400 in Zootaxa 4550 (3) on page 397, DOI: 10.11646/...
FIGURE 4. Brada granulosa Hansen, 1880, syntypes (ZMUB 2197). A. Largest and smallest syntypes, obli...
FIGURE 4. Leitoscoloplos multipapillatus: A, Setigers 17–19, ventral view. Leodamas hamatus n. sp.: ...
FIGURE 6. Nephtys hombergii (ESFM-POL/2014-636). A, Anterior end, with pharynx everted, dorsal view;...
FIGURE 1. Micronephthys longicornis (Perejaslavtseva, 1891), pharynx retracted, B, C, D—SEM photo. A...
FIGURE 2. Micronephthys longicornis (Perejaslavtseva, 1891), (chaetae omitted). A. Prostomium, C1, a...
FIGURE 4. Micronephthys oculifera, specimens stained with methyl blue. A. Anterior end, dorsal view,...
FIGURE 4. Alitta dyamusi (Izuka, 1902) n. comb., atoke specimen. Syntype (NSMT 6115-6119), Sakhalin ...
FIGURE 9. Micronephthys stammeri. A. Pharynx, dorsal view. B. Jaw. C. Prostomium and anterior chaeti...
Dnestrovskaya, Nataliya Yu., Jirkov, Igor A. (2019): Redescription of Micronephthys longicornis (Per...
FIGURE 4. Morphology of Marenzelleria sp. from Koluktoo Bay (Baffin Is., Nunavut, Canada). A–D, ante...
FIGURE 4. Aglaophamus juvenalis UERJ 4549. (A) Anterior region, dorsal view. (B) Parapodium 19, ante...
FIGURE 4. Fauveliopsis brevipodus Hartman, 1971, n. comb., holotype (USNM 55546), A. Dorsal view. B....
FIGURE 4. Thelepus megalabiatum n. sp. (Holotype, MZUSP 3017), (A–C). Notochaetae, segments 6 and 35...
FIGURE 4. Branchinotogluma bipapillata n. sp., details of chaetae. A, Vertical view of left parapodi...
FIGURE 8. Nephtys kersivalensis (ESFM-POL/2013-1515). A, Anterior end with pharynx everted, dorsal v...
FIGURE 4. Brada granulosa Hansen, 1880, syntypes (ZMUB 2197). A. Largest and smallest syntypes, obli...
FIGURE 4. Leitoscoloplos multipapillatus: A, Setigers 17–19, ventral view. Leodamas hamatus n. sp.: ...
FIGURE 6. Nephtys hombergii (ESFM-POL/2014-636). A, Anterior end, with pharynx everted, dorsal view;...
FIGURE 1. Micronephthys longicornis (Perejaslavtseva, 1891), pharynx retracted, B, C, D—SEM photo. A...
FIGURE 2. Micronephthys longicornis (Perejaslavtseva, 1891), (chaetae omitted). A. Prostomium, C1, a...
FIGURE 4. Micronephthys oculifera, specimens stained with methyl blue. A. Anterior end, dorsal view,...
FIGURE 4. Alitta dyamusi (Izuka, 1902) n. comb., atoke specimen. Syntype (NSMT 6115-6119), Sakhalin ...
FIGURE 9. Micronephthys stammeri. A. Pharynx, dorsal view. B. Jaw. C. Prostomium and anterior chaeti...
Dnestrovskaya, Nataliya Yu., Jirkov, Igor A. (2019): Redescription of Micronephthys longicornis (Per...
FIGURE 4. Morphology of Marenzelleria sp. from Koluktoo Bay (Baffin Is., Nunavut, Canada). A–D, ante...
FIGURE 4. Aglaophamus juvenalis UERJ 4549. (A) Anterior region, dorsal view. (B) Parapodium 19, ante...
FIGURE 4. Fauveliopsis brevipodus Hartman, 1971, n. comb., holotype (USNM 55546), A. Dorsal view. B....
FIGURE 4. Thelepus megalabiatum n. sp. (Holotype, MZUSP 3017), (A–C). Notochaetae, segments 6 and 35...
FIGURE 4. Branchinotogluma bipapillata n. sp., details of chaetae. A, Vertical view of left parapodi...
FIGURE 8. Nephtys kersivalensis (ESFM-POL/2013-1515). A, Anterior end with pharynx everted, dorsal v...
FIGURE 4. Brada granulosa Hansen, 1880, syntypes (ZMUB 2197). A. Largest and smallest syntypes, obli...
FIGURE 4. Leitoscoloplos multipapillatus: A, Setigers 17–19, ventral view. Leodamas hamatus n. sp.: ...
FIGURE 6. Nephtys hombergii (ESFM-POL/2014-636). A, Anterior end, with pharynx everted, dorsal view;...